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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                176
arguments Duesberg has advanced in support of his contention that HIV is not the cause of
HIV is a real virus and it seems to have a passive association with the behavioral
practices that puts a person at risk for AIDS (i.e. drug use and homosexual behavior) but
antibodies in a person’s body neutralize HIV shortly after a person is infected. The
presence of antibodies shows that HIV has been contained in the body.
The amount of HIV in HIV-positive individuals who are well, sick from AIDS, or dying
from AIDS is never been shown to be in sufficient quantities to do harm.
To prove that a microbe causes disease it must pass each of a four-part test developed in
the 19th century by Robert Koch (Koch’s Postulate). These are: “(a) the organism must be
present in all cases of the disease; (b) it must be grown and then isolated in pure culture
from the cells of individuals with the disease; (c) it must reproduce the disease when
introduced into a susceptible host or experimental animals, (d) from where it must once
again be recovered.” HIV fails every one of these tests.
In 1984 when Gallo announced that they had discovered the “probable” cause of AIDS,
HIV was found in only 36% of his AIDS patients. Actual AIDS patients are infected with
HIV in no greater percentage today.
Animals infected with HIV in lab experiments do not develop AIDS. The NIH infected
over 150 chimpanzees with HIV. Nine years later they remained healthy.
Dr. Lo, senior researcher at The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, agrees with Dr.
Duesberg. He applied for a patent in relation to his discoveries on Mycoplasma. In his patent
application he writes:
The human retroviruses have not fulfilled Koch's postulates, i.e.,
producing transmissible AIDS-like diseases in experimental animals. HTLV-
III/LAV (HIV) is not associated with the unusual malignancies such as B-cell
lymphoma and Kaposi's sarcoma, commonly found in patients with AIDS. Shaw,
G. M., et al., Science 226:1165-1171, 1984; Delli Bovi, P. et al., Cancer Research,
46:6333-6338, 1986; Groopman, J. E., et al., Blood 67:612-615, 1986.
Furthermore, HIV infected patients often show a wide variation in times of
disease incubation and speed of disease progression. It is not known whether any
specific infectious agent other than HIV can be responsible for the complex
pathogenesis often seen in this disease. One such candidate, intitially identified as
a virus-like infectious agent in patent application Ser. No. 265,920 [their earlier
American Registry of Pathology assignment] has now been discovered to be
mycoplasma M. fermentans (incognitas strain).
Based on the above, I would suggest that there is little true public information about
AIDS, about how it is transmitted and about what type of contact is safe and unsafe with AIDS
infected persons because what is purported to be known about AIDS is based on an unproven
theory that HIV causes AIDS. Further, as a result of what I believe to be an HIV fraud, untold
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