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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                178
Many doctors don't know about this mycoplasma disease agent because it
was developed by the US military in biological warfare experimentation and it
was not made public. This pathogen was patented by the United States military
and Dr Shyh-Ching Lo….
…the US Government provided the leadership for the development of
AIDS for the purpose of population control.
Their exists a theory that AIDS came from monkeys in Africa, the evidence does not
support this. First, lab monkeys are known to have been released back into Africa. More
importantly, Chimpanzees who received experimental hepatitis B vaccinations were returned to
the wild in Africa (the same vaccinations believed to have caused AIDS).
Therefore, if
monkeys were actually carrying AIDS it was likely a result of these lab monkeys returned to the
wild. Second, there have been two well-known cases where researches have claimed to have
discovered that AIDS existed prior to the 1970s. Both these cases were proven by other
researcher to be false.
Third, if HIV doesn’t cause AIDS, then discovering HIV had existed
earlier than originally believed wouldn’t prove that AIDS existed.
The above is just a short non-technical summary of the mounds of supporting evidence
that AIDS was developed by the United States as a biological weapon. I think the evidence is
quit convincing. As to whether the public was accidentally or purposefully infected may never be
known. If AIDS was intentionally released through experimental vaccines it is not necessarily
the work of a wide spread conspiracy.
William Colby, former Director of the CIA, stated before congress that the CIA works on
a need to know basis. According to his explanation of the meaning of his statement, a covert
population population control program could potentially be executed by one person with the aid
of 2-3 who had little or no knowledge of intent. For instance if an operative were asked to obtain
a virus from weapons storage he would not know its purpose. Someone else could be instructed
to deliver the virus at this point the virus may have been labeled as something else. A knowing or
unknowing accomplice could then use this to contaminate the vaccines in a number of different
ways. An act of this nature could possibly be carried out by a very small group of people, even
one or two.
Although this is speculative, what is certain is that AIDS affects all the nations of
the earth.
DDT and Third World Genocide
Forget all the propaganda you have ever heard about DDT and consider the facts. DDT is
possibly the most effective pesticide ever invented. Prior to the 1960s, malaria was one of the
largest causes of death in the world. The majority of its victims were pregnant women and
children under five. Malaria is spread through mosquitoes. During the 1950s and 1960s, malaria
was effectively eradicated in the western world and nearly eradicated in much of the third world
through the use of DDT as a pesticide for killing mosquitoes.
“According to the online
encyclopedia Wikipedia DDT performed the feat of reducing the worldwide malaria mortality
rate from a hefty 192 per 100,000 to a low of 7 per 100,000.
This reduction in mortality has
amounted to 500 million saved lives.
The banning of DDT occurred not because DDT was
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