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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                180
seven months of hearings, nor did he read any of the transcripts.”
Ruckelshaus was a
politician, based on his actions, it can be assumed that he banned DDT because of orders from
the Illuminati. What other conclusion would be reasonable?
A statement by one of the major opponents of DDT, Dr. Charles Wurster, supports this
conclusion. Dr. Wurster conceded in an interview that banning DDT would result in the use of
much more toxic pesticides. Dr. Wurster commented further in the interview regarding the
effects of the ban of DDT, he stated: “People are the cause of all the problems. We have too
many of them. We need to get rid of some of them and this is as good a way as any”.
What Dr.
Wurster was saying is that DDT saves lives and rather than save lives we need to get rid of
people so we need to ban DDT.
A similar statement was made by Alexander King, president of the Club of Rome, which
is a think tank that promotes the Illuminati's NWO agenda. He stated: “My own doubts came
when DDT was introduced. In Guyana, within two years, it had eliminated malaria. So my chief
quarrel with DDT in hindsight is that it had greatly added to the population problem.”
Once the US banned DDT other nations followed. Additionally, the US funded much of
the third world pesticide spray programs. After the banning of DDT in the US, the US would not
fund programs in other countries that used DDT. In spite of the opposition from the US and other
world organizations many countries have continued to use DDT because it saves lives. This may
come to a stop because a worldwide ban is in the works and being pushed by the U.N.
Malaria currently kills approximately 2.5 million people a year, according to the World
Health Organization.
“Many medical historians believe malaria has killed more people than
any other disease in history, including the Black Plague, and may have contributed to the
collapse of the Roman Empire.”
Since the US ban on DDT went into effect, it is estimated that
upwards of 89 million people have died from malaria.
400 million people are infected with
malaria every year.
As an example of the effectiveness of DDT and what happened after its use was
discontinued we can look at the case of Sri Lanka. In what is now Sri Lanka, there were 2.8
million cases of malaria in 1948 before the use of DDT. After the introduction and continued use
of DDT, the number of cases of malaria was reduced to 17 by 1964. Within five years of the
discontinued use of DDT, in 1969, the cases of Malaria shot back up to 2.5 million,
an increase
of 147,057 percent.
Dr. Wurster was quoted above showing the sinister intent of the ban on DDT; he also
acknowledged other pesticides, which were more harmful, would likely replace DDT. This is
exactly what has happened. Malathion is one pesticide whose use has dramatically increased.
Between 1961 and 1973 an average of less than 108,000 pounds of Malathion were used in the
US and Vietnam. Between 1974 and 1990 the use of Malathion dramatically increased to an
average yearly quantity of 800,000 pounds in the US alone; an increase greater than 740%.
Malathion has been toted as “among the safest insecticides in use”. However, according
to Melvin Reuber, M.D., a cancer researcher at Fort Detrick, this doesn’t mean it is safe! “On a
lethal dose scale, Malathion toxicity has been compared by scientists to “two of the deadliest
substances known to man”—dioxin and botulism.”
According to Wayne Sinclair, M.D. and
coauthor Richard W. Pressinger, collective studies show that Malathion exposure causes “birth
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