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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                185
American; he further reveals that several of these top 13 Illuminati families are in banking.
a matter of fact, most of the top international banking families are involved in the Illuminati or
Illuminati front groups. Most of the largest American banks have senior level executives (i.e.
CEO, Chairman, President, Managing Director ect.) who are members of Illuminati front groups
such as the Council on Foreign Relation (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TLC), Bilderbergers or
the occult Bohemian Grove club. “There are at least 182 International Banking Organizations
that have senior level executive in the CFR, TLC, or Bilderbergs. These include various
International Financial Organizations, Commercial Banks and Investment Organizations.”
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt revealed that it is these financial elite who run the
US government; he stated: “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial
element in the larger centers has owned government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson—
and I am not wholly exempting the Administration of W. W. (Woodrow Wilson).”
On ABC’s
“This Week with David Brinkley” Cokie Roberts let slip the same truth; she stated: “Global
bankers are really running the world.”
Her boss, David Brinkley, is a member of the CFR,
from whom she has most likely received insight on the matter.
The evidence that these bankers running America are members of the Illuminati and that
they are carrying out covert population control programs through the US can be seen in: The
Report From Iron Mountain, NSSM 200, admissions from former CIA directors William Colby
and Richard Helms and
the actions of the US government. The Report From Iron Mountain
states: “the efficiency of modern methods of mass destruction.... offer, perhaps paradoxically,
the first opportunity in the history of man to halt the regressive genetic effects of natural
selection by war.” NSSM 200 discusses the need to implement population control programs in
third world nations and it further discusses the need for cost effective means of achieving those
goals. In hearings before a congressional committee, Colby and Helms revealed that the US had
developed “biological weapons for covert operations including depopulation programs”.
It has
been repeatedly demonstrated in this chapter and previous chapters that the US is causing
sickness, injury and death throughout the world by the very methods described in plans of the
If you recall back to the introduction of Part II, I made the point that it is possible that
Babylon's wrath is poured out on the nations as the result of her bad judgment but I don't believe
that is the case. I believe that the evidence supports that deadly prescription drugs, vaccinations,
food additives such as aspartame, GWS, AIDS, the banning of DDT are not accidents, there is
much evidence to support that they are part of a covert plan to not only control population
growth but to reduce the population of the earth. The approval of deadly drugs, vaccinations and
food additives are made by politically appointed administrators. This means their decisions are
influenced by politics. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt revealed that nothing in politics
happens by accident; he stated: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, it was
planned that way.”
Therefore according to president Roosevelt, if deadly prescription drugs,
vaccines, and food additives are being approved, if they are causing disabilities, disease and
death the world over, it was planned that way.
The Bible clearly states that Babylon shall be involved in injuring and killing the people
of the earth; Isaiah writes: “Babylon... He who smote the people in wrath...” ( Isaiah 14:4, 6).
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