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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                188
Russ Kick, in his book 50 Things You’re Not Supposed To Know credits John Kelly for
discovering the above admission on the CIA buried in several hundred pages of text. Kick also
credits Kelly as being “one of the world’s foremost experts on the CIA. Kelley writes concerning
the report:
The report suggests that the CIA’s crimes include murder and that “the
targets of the CS [Clandestine Service] are increasingly international and
transnational and a global presence is increasingly crucial to attack those targets.”
In other words, we are not talking about strictly stealing secrets. We are talking
about the CIA committing crimes against humanity with de facto impunity and
congressional sanctioning.
Other documents, including CIA reports, show that the CIA’s crimes
include terrorism, assassination, torture, and systematic violations of human
rights. The documents also show that these crimes are part and parcel of
deliberate CIA policy (the [congressional] report notes that CIA personnel are
‘directed’ to commit crimes).
In an interview a retired CIA agent stated, “I never gave a thought to legality or morality.
Frankly, I did what worked.”
Author John Marks, in his book Search For The “Manchurian
Candidates,” describes how the CIA would go to any corrupt, illegal and immoral lengths to
recruit an agent in another country. He writes:
Does every man have his price? Not exactly, states the senior
counterintelligence man, but he believes a shrewd operator can usually find a way
to reach anyone, particularly through his family. In developing countries, the
Agency has caused family members to be arrested and mistreated by the local
police, given or with held medical care for a sick child, and, more prosaically,
provided scholarships for a relative to study abroad.
Other recruitment methods included causing stress by harassment, untrue rumors and
even destroying a person’s marriage.
George White is an example of the worst within the CIA.
He set up apartments that were used for testing LSD and other drugs on unsuspecting victims
under the CIA’s MKULTRA program. The victims were recorded, videotaped and observed
through two-way mirrors. He would lure victims into the apartments using prostitutes and other
means. Years later in a letter to his former boss, Sid Gottlieb, he wrote the following:
I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled
wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a
red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the
sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?
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