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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                197
19, 1992, New York Times article showed pictures revealing the 1981 massacre of
almost 800 villagers at El Mozote, El Salvador. Reporters from the New York
Times and Washington Post were in agreement that the killings were perpetrated
by groups financed and supplied by the White House gang and the CIA. Searchers
found many bodies including those of children, under the floor of a parish
In the Medusa File author Craig Roberts, a former military sniper, detective and now
author, writes that nearly every South American government has been manipulated either
directly or indirectly by the CIA:
The CIA was involved either directly, or indirectly by means of forces
trained by CIA instructors, in successfully manipulating the affairs of almost
every major South American government. These interventions included the
installation of a military government in Brazil in 1964, the defeat of Che
Guevara’s guerrillas and the subsequent execution of Che Guevara in Bolivia in
1967, and the campaign against the Tupamaros guerrillas in Uraguay between
1968 to 1973. But the classic case of CIA intervention in Latin American affairs
was undoubtedly Chile.
The US manipulation of South America began at the end of World War II when the US
smuggled Nazi war criminals to South America under project Paperclip:
The Nazis that had been smuggled out of Germany [by the U.S. under
project Paperclip] to South America had by the 1950’s become well-entrenched in
government circles of such countries as Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia,
Uraguay and Peru. By the 1960s, protégés of this Nazi infrastructure, trained in
SS tactics, had moved into other countries—including those of Central America—
and had brought with them the Gestapo tactics they had learned. The most
militant and capable of the German trained “trainers and advisors” came from
Lets take a brief look at some of the both direct and indirect manipulation of governments
that has taken place in nations around the world by the US. Take a careful note how often US
intervention is related to US business interests in these nations. Roberts rights the following
concerning this:
Often it was exactly that. Business. American “interests” went far beyond
world politics and national security. In too many instances, staged coups, covert
military action, popular revolutions, and assassinations conducted under the guise
of national security were in fact motivated by the business interests of major
corporations—and the investment bankers that backed them.
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