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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                201
The failed invasion set up the scenario for the Cuban missile Crises in 1962. As we well
know from the recent war in Iraq, intelligence sources whether purposely or mistakenly can
provide the president with inaccurate information.
This may very well be what happened in the
Cuban Missile Crises.
The CIA conducted a briefing for President Kennedy and key staff members showing that
Russia was installing missiles in Cuba. I was shocked to find out that it has never been verified
that missiles were actually in Cuba. There are no pictures of them arriving being installed or
leaving. The only pictures are of crates and Russian ships with unknown objects under
tarpaulins. Neither are there any American visual confirmations of the missiles.
Robert Kennedy, US Attorney General wrote a book about the Cuban Missile Crises
titled Thirteen Days. In his book he confessed, “I, for one, had to take their word for it. I
examined the pictures carefully, and what I saw appeared to be no more than the clearing of a
field for a farm or the basement of a house. I was relieved to hear later that this was the same
reaction of virtually everyone at the meeting including President Kennedy.”
This crisis resulted in an agreement between the US and Russia. Russia agreed to remove
the unverified missiles from Cuba and in return the US agreed to remove “strategic missiles from
the borders of Russia”, and the US would also guarantee that Cuba would not be subject to
invasion by anti-Castro forces. This meant that the US would defend Cuba from invasion and
protect Castro’s communist government.
President Kennedy may have realized that the CIA fabricated the Cuban Missile crisis.
Three weeks before he died he reportedly gave an interview to the New York Times. On
December 11, 1963 they quoted the president as saying: “I think we have spawned, constructed,
entirely fabricated without knowing it, the Castro movement.”
In 1970 the US backed a coup of yet another democratically elected President, Salvador
Allende of Chile. The CIA had spent $20 million to defeat Allende, an admitted Marxist, in 1964
election. The CIA had also pumped $5 million a year into Chile between 1957 and 1970.
coup resulted in the death of both Air Force General Rene’ Scheider, who refused to participate
in the coup, and President Allende. The coup established a military dictatorship under General
Augusto Pinochet Ugarte.
General Pinochet rounded up thousands of Allende supporters. Over several days many
were interrogated, tortured and executed. One witness estimated the number of Allende
supporters who were shot shortly after the coup to be over 500.
Pinochet remained in power for over 20 years. “Opposition to Pinochet results in
mandatory prison sentences, torture and often death.” Pinochet owes his power to the US led
coup and remained loyal by allowing US business interest to expand and profit in Chile. He is
also one of the richest dictators in the world. In contrast, President Allende made a proposal to
require US corporations to share profits with their workers. This was done-away-with by the
death of President Allende.
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