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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                205
President Carter’s National Security Advisor… admitted that covert U.S.
intervention began long before the USSR sent in troops… Take note of what was
“an excellent idea”: A country rapidly developing and moving towards
modernization was politically and economically shattered, almost 2 million
Afghans were killed, the most violent and anti-American of the groups
supported by the CIA are now the leaders of Afghanistan, these religious
fundamentalists set human rights back centuries to the extent they are even an
embarrassment to neighboring Muslim fundamentalists, and both Muslim and
non-Muslim governments within the region fear destabilization through Teleban
(Emphasis added)
The 2 million Afghans killed in the fight against the Russians were not only killed in a
war in large part brought about by American intervention in Afghanistan. These Afghans were
killed, as will be shown later, by a Russian military industrial complex that was largely supplied
and built by America. During the war the adult mujahideen were schooled in the fine arts of
terrorism and the youth where schooled in the philosophy of jihad with graphic images that
would be embedded in the minds of impressionable young children.
Others who supported the Taliban were the Pakistani secret service (ISI) and UNOCAL.
According to Peter Dale Scott of online resources: “When the Taliban took power in Afghanistan
(1996), it was largely orchestrated by the ISI and the oil company Unocal, with its Saudi ally
Delta.” Additionally, evidence would seem to indicate that “at this time Pakistan’s support of the
Taliban drew the approval of public and private Saudi authorities, the CIA, and the American oil
company UNOCAL.”
According to Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, in his book The War On
Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked September 11, 2001,
there is considerable
evidence that the US supported the Taliban from 1994 to 1998 with support decreasing in 1999
and 2000.
This is evidenced by US Congressional members who have criticized US covert
support of the Taliban. One such member is Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a senior member
of the US House International Relations Committee. Rohrabacher had been involved with policy
towards Afghanistan for 20 years beginning in the early 1980s working in the Reagan
administration as special assistant to the President.
On July 12, 2000, at the Hearing Of the House International Relations Committee on
“Global Terrorism And South Asia.” Congressman Rohrabacher “accused the US State
Department of treachery and hypocrisy.” During the hearing he presented evidence
demonstrating that: “U.S. officials tricked the Anti-Taliban opposition into disarming, though the
officials knew Pakistan was airlifting weapons to the Taliban.” The result was the Taliban was
placed in a position to wipe out most of the Anti-Taliban opposition forces, which is what they
The war in Afghanistan resulted in the death and displacement of millions. According to
Human Rights Watch a total of one third of the 21.9 million people of Afghanistan were either
killed, fled the country as refugees or became internally displaced as a result of the war with
One reason for American support of the Taliban was plans for a $4.5 billion UNOCAL
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