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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                208
evidence that the US not only gave Iraq a “green light” but actually encouraged the invasion.
Some very noteworthy accounts follow:
In 1980 Iran was holding 52 American hostages and President Carter was trying to negotiate
their release. Further, Carter was trying to win reelection. In June of 1980 Iranian students
obtained a secret memo that was from Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's National
Security Advisor, to then-Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. The memo recommended using
Iran's neighbors in a “destabilization” effort of the Islamic Iranian Republic. The students
made the memo public.
According to Robert Parry, an award winning journalist, he gained access to government
records pertaining to the “October Surprise” scandal. Among these records he discovered
secret records including a secret memo written by Alexander Haig in 1981. Haig was
secretary of state at the time. The memo summed up Haig's trip to the Middle East and noted
that President Carter gave Iraq a “green light” to attack Iran. He wrote: “It was also interesting
to confirm that President Carter gave the Iraqis a green light to launch the war against Iran
through [then Prince, later King] Fahd.”
Statements by Saudi and other senior Arab leaders, including King Fahd of Saudi Arabia
serve to support Haig's memo. Saudi leaders have stated “they urged Saddam to take the fight
to Iran's fundamentalist regime, advice that they say included a 'green light' for the invasion
from President Carter.”
In 2004 with Saddam's trial growing near, UPI reported that Gen. Ali-Reza Afshar, an Iranian
Armed Forces cultural officer, announced that a 1,500 page report by the Iranian Army
contains “documentary evidence that the United States and some European countries actually
encouraged Saddam to start the war against Iran, funded him during the war, and supplied him
with equipment.” The allegations are additionally supported by the fact that Donald Rumsfeld
was making frequent trips to Iraq for meetings with Saddam Hussein in 1980.
While the Carter administration was apparently encouraging Saddam Hussein to attack
Iran in order to destabilize the country and hopefully help in the hostage negotiations. It is
reported that George H. W. Bush and CIA director William Casey asked Iran to hold onto the
hostages till after the 1980 presidential election. Expert witnesses and classified documents
including transcripts from wire taps, which journalist Robert Parry was able to gain access to,
support this assertion. The Republicans, as reported, promised the Iranians arms in return for
their not releasing the hostages till after the election. This scandal is known as “October
The Iran-Iraq war lasted 8-years and resulted in an estimated death toll of between
460,000 and 1 million with additional casualties of approximately 875,000 to 1.5 million. The
range of the casualty and death figures are due to the uncertainty of the figures reported by both
Iran and Iraq.
The US not only encouraged the war but supplied arms to both sides.
The US
also encouraged the European nations of Britain France and West Germany to supply arms to
Iran was supplied arms by Israel upon the encouragement of the US according to Israeli
The US also provided Iraq technology and tactical assistance in the war. In 1982, when
Iran was on the offensive and appeared to be winning the war, “Reagan and his advisers made a
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