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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                215
to suppress mounting evidence that DU munitions are simply too toxic to use. It has cashiered or
attempted to discredit its own experts, ignored their advice, impeded scientific research into DU's
health effects and assembled a disinformation campaign to confuse the issue.”
The subject of DU munitions and their adverse health affects was examined by a United
Nations Subcommittee in 1996. Karen Parker, a human rights attorney, spoke before the UN
Subcommittee on how DU munitions violate the 1907 Hague Convention and Regulations, the
1949 Geneva Convention and the 1977 Protocols; she stated:
[DU] cannot be “contained” to legal fields of battle and thus fails the
territorial test. [DU] continues to act after hostilities are over and thus fails the
temporal test. [DU] is inhumane and thus fails the inhumane test. DU is inhumane
because of how it can kill by cancer, kidney disease etc. long after the hostilities
are over. DU is inhumane because it causes birth (genetic) defects thus affecting
children (who may never be a military target) and who are born after the war is
over. The use of DU weapons may be characterized as genocidal by burdening
gene pools of future generations. DU cannot be used without unduly damaging
the natural environment and thus fails the environmental test.
The UN Subcommittee passed a non-binding resolution urging the banning of the use of
DU munition; the resolution also urged banning the use of other weapons of mass destruction.
The vote on the resolution was 15 for and 1 against; the US was the sole dissenter.
Concerning the Gulf War, Colonel Qiao Liang and Colonel Wang Xiangsui of the
People’s Liberation Army of China wrote: “During the Gulf War, more than 500 kinds of new
and advanced technology of the ‘80s ascended the stage to strike a pose, making the war simply
seem like a demonstration site for new weaponry.”
Leading up to the second war in Iraq, which began in 2003, US Dept. of Commerce
statistics show that Iraq was one of 30 nations receiving military aid from the US in the year
2000. They received a total of $25 million. Of the 30 nations receiving military aid, they were
ranked 6
Panama is an example of a country that suffered the direct wrath of the US. In 1968
National Guard General Omar Torrijos Herrera took power in Panama as a result of a coup. In
1969 there was an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Torrijos by a faction of the Panamanian
military. The attempted coup appears to have had US support.
Torrijos strengthened a Panamanian movement to end US control of the Panama Canal
and Canal Zone. In 1977 his efforts culminated with a treaty between Panama and the United
States that turned over US control of the Canal Zone to Panama in 1979 and transfered the canal
to Panama on Dec. 31, 1999. In 1978 Torrijos turned leadership of the nation over to civilians
while he remained in charge of the military.
On July 31, 1981 Torrijos died in a fiery plane crash. Many South American media
sources reported that the CIA was behind the crash. These reports are supported by the fact that
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