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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                234
was not to be. “The citizens of the United States refused to accept the League of Nations,
because they felt it would draw them into future European conflicts.” In the Senate, Senator
Henry Cabot Lodge led the victory to keep America out of the League of Nations. But the
League was able to achieve some of the objectives of the elite (the Illuminati). Through the
League of Nations the elite were able to seize greater control of the world finances through
member countries that sought financial aid from the United States. Rockefeller determined that
in order for a country to qualify for a loan, it must have a central bank and it must allow
International Bankers to control the bank. Those countries without central banks were helped in
setting them up. Much of this was accomplished through the Bank of International Settlement,
which was established in 1930.
The Bank of International Settlements was a step in the right direction for the elite who
were planning a one-world government but with America’s refusal to join the League of Nations,
the elite needed a new plan. They needed something to bring about another world war. The
Treaty of Versailles served this purpose.
The Treaty That Was Largely The Cause of WW II
Germany was set up to be the fall guy once again. As a result of the Treaty of Versailles
Germany was saddled with war reparations in the amount of $32 billion, plus interest. They were
required to make payments of $500 million per year. In addition to this: she had a 26% surcharge
on exports; she was required “to forfeit some of her prime provinces, colonies, and natural
they lost the right to make trade concessions; and they lost all foreign property.
These reparations were not in accordance with The Fourteen Points peace settlement that ended
the war. There were no reparations in The Fourteen Points. The reparations came out of the Paris
Peace Conference. Germany agreed to the terms only after threats of an invasion by the Allied
powers. The reparations would and did cripple any possible economic recovery that Germany
would make from the war. This set Germany on a disastrous course that would lead to a change
of government within Germany and World War II. Might this be the results that were intended?
The Prime Minister of England, David Lloyd George, said of the treaty:
We have written a document that guarantees war in 20 years ... When you
place conditions on a people (Germany) that it cannot possibly keep, you force it
to either breech the agreement or to war. Either we modify that agreement, and
make it tolerable to the German people, or when the new generation comes along
they will try again.
Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Lord Curzon was a delegate of the Paris Peace Conference,
he had similar thoughts. In a bold and daring statement he declared at the conference: “This is no
peace; this is only a truce for twenty years.”
His insightful prediction was totally accurate.
Even the President of the United States, Wilson himself, was reported to have said: “If I were a
German, I think I should never sign it.”
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