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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                269
plead with him to break off his association with the Nazi’s, in a manner of speaking he asked
him to keep a low profile. Prior to the war Putzi exposed a British agent who had “penetrated the
highest Nazi echelons”. By 1941 his favor with Hitler and the Nazi’s waned and he found it
necessary to flee Germany. He ended up in a prisoner of war camp.
Besides Ford and Hanfstaeng there is little definitive proof of American financial backing
of Hitler. But David Allen Rivera, in his book Final Warning: A History Of The New World
Order, reports that Joseph Kennedy and Wall Street provided indirect funding to Hitler. The
President of Germany’s Reichbank, Hjalmar Horace Greely Schact, was the liaison between
Hitler and Wall Street. Reichbank was instrumental in the rebuilding of Germany. Schact’s
father was an employee of Equitable Trust Co. of New York, which was controlled by J.P.
Morgan. Schact’s father worked out of the Berlin office of Equitable Trust. Rivera further states
that: “Without a shadow of a doubt, Hitler was controlled by the Illuminati.
As stated
previously, a majority of the top 13 Illuminati bloodlines include Americans; among these are
the Kennedys, Duponts and Rockefellers.
While there is little or no proof of the actual
amounts of funds provided to Hitler, common logic would tell you that Wall Street would not
have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Germany had they not been able to court Hitler’s
favor. And anyone knows that the best way to court a politician’s favor is to provide financial
Union Banking Corporation – Hitler's Bank
In order for modern war to occur there must be adequate financing. Commercial banks
and bond brokerage firms are the main source of this funding. In 1942, eight months after the US
entered WW II, a privately held US bank, Union Banking Corporation, was seized by the US
government under the Trading with the Enemy Act. An article in the New York Herald Tribune
on July 31, 1941 had indicated that Nazi financier Fritz Thyssen had $3 million cash in the New
York vaults of the UBC.
The UBC was established in 1924 for Fritz Thyssen who owned 98 percent of the 4,000
shares of stock which were held in trust by E. Roland Harriman. Thyssen and his business
partners are well recognized as the most important contribution to Hitler's takeover of Germany.
He admitted in his famous book I Paid Hitler that he financially backed Hitler and his Nazi
movement beginning in 1923.
After Hitler was brought to power, Thyssen's factories were
responsible for building the Nazi war machine.
George Herbert Walker (grandfather of former President George H.W. Bush) was
founder and President of UBC. Walker was also a partner in the investment firm W.A. Harriman
& Co. The Board Directors included: Prescott Bush (father of former President George H.W.
Bush), E. Roland Harriman, H. J. Kouwenhoven, Johann G. Groeninger, Harold D. Pennington,
Cornelis Lievense, Ray Morris, and E. S. James. Roland Harriman served as Board Chairman.
Prescott Bush and Roland Harriman were buddies from Yale. Both were 1917 members of the
Skull and Bones and both were Vice Presidents for W.A. Harriman & Co.
After the records for UBC were seized and examined by the government, it became
apparent that several companies were involved with aiding the Nazis. Two additional companies
were seized; these were Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel
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