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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                282
The Congressional Committee called several other witnesses to testify including
MacGuire. Based on the testimony and evidence before their committee they concluded the
In the last few weeks of the committee's official life it received evidence
showing that certain persons had made an attempt to establish a fascist
organization in this country.... There is no question that these attempts were
discussed, were planned, and might have been placed in execution when and if the
financial backers deemed it expedient.
This committee received evidence from Maj. Gen Smedley D. Butler
(retired), twice decorated by the Congress of the United States. He testified before
the committee as to conversations with one Gerald C. MacGuire in which the
latter is alleged to have suggested the formation of a fascist army under the
leadership of General Butler.
MacGuire denied these allegations under oath, but your
committee was
able to verify all the pertinent statements made by General Butler, with the
exception of the direct statement suggesting the creation of the organization. This,
however, was corroborated in the correspondence of MacGuire with his principal,
Robert Sterling Clark, of New York City, while MacGuire was abroad studying
the various forms of veterans organizations of Fascist character.
Years later former Speaker of the House John McCormack was interviewed by Jules
Archer for his book The Plot To Seize The White House. McCormack told Archer, “In peace or
war General Smedley Butler was one of the outstanding Americans in our history. I cannot
emphasize too strongly the very important part he played in exposing the fascist plot in the early
1930s backed by and planned by persons possessing tremendous wealth.”
MacGuire had informed Butler that their plot would be carried out through an
organization which they would create as a front. This organization would advocate protection of
the constitution and then the veterans would be formed into a paramilitary group. This
organization was formed and was called American Liberty League.
Some of those implicated in the plot as exposed in Archer's book included:
J.P. Morgan
and many of his associates.
Edward T. Stotesbury, a partner of J.P. Morgan.
John W. Davis, chief attorney for J. P. Morgan and Company and the 1924 Democratic
candidate for President.
Grayson Mallot-Prevost Murphy who operated one of Wall Street’s leading brokerage
houses and sat on the Board of Directors of: Guaranty Trust (a Morgan bank), Anaconda
Copper, Goodyear Tire, and Bethlehem Steel.
Former New York Governor Al Smith, loosing 1928 Democratic presidential
Robert S. Clark, a banker who had inherited a large fortune from a founder of the Singer
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