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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                351
significance is this; the United States court system relies upon precedent. The court system relies
more heavily on what other courts have done or should I say gotten away with than it does on the
actual laws of the land. The precedent has now been set; in a national crisis certain individual
rights supersede the Constitutional rights of others. In a future national crises it’s quit possible
that certain accused persons will have no Constitutional rights, there will be no need for trials. I
envision two scenarios that are possible. One is possible civil action and another is criminal.
In a civil action all that will be needed is the false accusation of one person and the
accused person of a certain class of people, for instance Christians, would be penalized in
accordance with the accusation such as occurs in family court. The accuser won't have to
prove their accusation, it will be the responsibility of the accused to prove their
innocence. Of course this would be a civil matter and no criminal charges would ever be
brought only penalties.
In a criminal action we could see Christians who appose the NWO or refuse to accept the
mark of the beast being declared “enemy combatants.” The Bible tells us that they won't
be able to buy or sell and there will be a death decree. But long before this occurs
Christians will very likely be facing prison camps as we will see in a later chapter.
In either of these scenarios, the accused may only be guilty of practicing their
Constitutional rights of Freedom of Religion. Such as:
Believing that the Holy Bible is the word of God.
Believing that accepting Jesus Christ as your savior is the only way to heaven.
Believing that homosexuality is a sin.
Opposing the NWO.
Refusing to participate in forced worship that is contrary to the Bible.
Refusing to accept the mark of the beast.
Refusing to worship the image of the beast.
The above scenarios may seem very unlikely to many but Jesus clearly stated: “If they
have persecuted me, they will also persecute you” (John 15:20). The likelihood that our
government would persecute or kill Christians is no more unlikely than the possibility that
millions of children would be ripped away from their parents for allegations of abuse that
statistically has only a 3% chance of being true. This is a national crisis of unparalleled
proportions but it is not getting better it is getting worse. Each terrorist attack brings further
compromises in our Constitutional rights. New laws that restricted our freedoms were enacted
after the Oklahoma City bombing and then further intrusions into our freedoms happened as a
result of September 11, 2001.
To the casual observer it would seem that trading a few Constitutional rights for peace
and safety is a good trade! After all terrorist are the target not law-abiding citizens. Terrorists are
evil-killers; who cares if they have no right to privacy, if they are tortured, if they are held
indefinitely without being charged or if they have a fair trial?
After all these breaches in the
Constitution aren’t aimed at us, they’re aimed at terrorists right? As we'll see in a later chapter
Christians have been profiled as terrorist threats by the US government!
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