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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                371
littered with spent, unspent shells and bullet holes. Residents were badly shaken
by the unannounced, fake, but very realistic attack….
The mayor, city manager, and chief of police were the only officials who
knew in advance of the plans. They had given approval to the military months
“There are some munitions on the ground being used by the soldiers, but it
is what we call training ammunition. So it is two things. Number one, (they use)
plastic bullets. Number two, the powder in each of the rounds is not a full load,”
Sokalski told WorldNetDaily yesterday.
Residents of Kingsville were badly frightened when soldiers appeared to
attack two buildings in the middle of their town. The sights and sounds were quite
real, and the residents did not know the bullets were less lethal than normal.…
When eight helicopters skimmed across tree tops at very high speed,
residents were in close proximity to the area. Businesses very close to the site
were open, residents in a retirement home across the street were outside sitting on
Many of the people who were not kept away by police were extremely
frightened and by what they thought was a real attack with full-powered
munitions. No one warned them, and no one helped them, according to Tomas
Sanchez, emergency management coordinator for Kingsville and Kleberg
Alex Jones has made several documentaries showing the after effects of these MOUT
exercises and showing some of them in progress. In 911 Road To Tyranny he documents a
MOUT exercise in California in 1999. The military hired civilians to be role players in this
exercise. Jones says he's been to many of the military training exercises where he's seen the “role
players beg and scream we're Americans please don't put us in camps.” In his documentary you
can here the military over the loud speaker saying, “Attention, attention, attention, American
forces are here to help. Please remain calm, we will not tolerate civil disobedience.” In another
seen you here: “Attention, attention, attention, due to the large number of people arriving there
will be a short delay. Please remain calm and cooperate so we can process you into the camp
In other scenes the film shows people in a detention camp, the military doing house to
house searches in full military gear and with M-16s. There is gun fire, subduing of citizens and
people being ordered around at gun point. In one scene there is a civilian man on his knees with
military personnel in front of him and in back of him. You can hear someone in the background
which appears to be one of the military commanders say: “Now your going to see an
In Police State 2000, Jones shows film footage he received from Sheldon Green who is a
listener of his radio program. The exercise was in Hebron, Maryland in 1998. The military was
running another gun confiscation exercise. The exercise involved the use of children as
informants. This is similar to the program that Hitler used. Green was approached several times
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