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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                384
“make bombs with CIA-supplied plastic explosives and detonators” and schools were established
“for the mujaheddin in secure communications, guerrilla warfare, urban sabotage and heavy
weapons.” During the war the Mujahedeen were supplied with over 100,000 tons (200 million
pounds) of arms and ammunition
at a total cost of $6 billion.
These arms included such
high tech supplies as US made Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.
Even more alarming is that the US has trained the youth to hate. The US supplied
thousands of Korans (the Islamic bible).
The US also supplied Afghanistan with millions of
“radical Islamist textbooks.”
1984 and 1994 $51 million was spent to supply these
textbooks. “The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns,
bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core
curriculum.” “An aid worker in the region reviewed an unrevised 100-page book and counted 43
pages containing violent images or passages.”
At the end of the Russian/Afghan war, the Taliban was just one of several factions
fighting for control of Afghanistan. In a US Congressional Committee hearing on July 12, 2000,
Representative Dana Rohrabacher presented evidence that the US helped the Taliban gain
control of Afghanistan. US officials accomplished this by deceiving the Taliban's opposition.
They were able to trick the Anti-Taliban forces into disarming. All the while US officials knew
that Pakistan was airlifting weapons to the Taliban. This deception enabled the Taliban to
literally slaughter most of their defenseless opposition forces.
In a speech on Holocaust Remembrance Day Loftus recounted the CIA's relationship
with Al-Queda; the following are excerpts:
When I was working for the Attorney General, I was assigned to do the
classified research about the Holocaust, so I went underground to a little town
called Suitland, Maryland, right outside Washington, DC, and that's where the US
Government buries its secrets—literally.... I learned that many of the Nazis that I
had been assigned to prosecute were on the CIA payroll... our State Department
swept it all under the rug and allowed the Nazis to stay in America until I was
stupid enough to go public with it.... my family got the death threats.... [Today]
I'm educating a new generation in the CIA [about the fact] that the Muslim
Brotherhood was a fascist organization that was hired by Western Intelligence and
evolved over time into what we today know as Al- Qa'ida [Al-Qaeda]...
Similar comments have been made by Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at
the University of Ottowa, Canada and editor for the Centre for Research on Globalization.
Chossudovsky stated in an interview with Guerrilla News Network:
It is well documented that the Taliban was supported by the Clinton
administration. They would never have formed a government had it not been for
U.S. military aid which was channeled through Pakistan's Inter Services
Intelligence (ISI). And that same organization supports the development of these
terrorists organizations... The Al-Qaeda network is considered by the CIA to be
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