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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                389
Forces.) The fact remains that “1,000 or more Queda operatives, including most of the chief
planners and almost certainly Osama bin Laden himself, had managed to escape.”
If the
Pentagons account is correct then Special Forces were on one side of the valley with Afghan
freedom fighters on the other side with Al-Qaeda in between. Either Al-Qaeda vanished into thin
air or US Special Forces let them by. Evidence seems to indicate that no matter which version of
the story is correct, the US seems to be implicated in either helping or letting Al-Qaeda escape.
In January 2002 New Yorker magazine reported that “The United States secretly
approved rescue flights by Pakistan into Kunduz that let Taleban leaders and al-Qaeda fighters
escape from the besieged northern Afghan city before its fall” in 2001. “US intelligence officials
and military officers said that the Bush Administration approved the flights and ordered US
Central Command to set up a special air corridor to ensure” the evacuation and safety of
Pakistani soldiers. According to intelligence reports the Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders were not
intended to be part of the evacuation.
Our government leaders are not clowns. Our military leaders and the men and women in
the FBI and CIA are not clowns either, they are selected for their superior intellect. While
anyone or any agency is capable of mistakes; the consistent mistakes made in favor of terrorists
provide tremendous evidence that Michel Chossudovsky was not only 100% correct but that he
understated the relationship between the US government and Al-Qaeda.
American War And Terror Based On False Pretexts
Throughout history democratic governments have used acts of terror or violence
perpetrated at their own hands and blamed on others in order to deceive the citizens of their own
nation. They have used this false pretext as a means of getting their citizens to get behind their
agenda. Typically it has been used as a pretext for increased governmental power, persecution of
certain groups of people and war. This technique is not unique to democracies but it is more
important in a democracy were the people have the ability to remove their leaders from office.
On August 10, 64 A.D. The Emperor Nero burned Rome. The burning of Rome was
blamed on the Christian. This gave Nero a pretext for the persecution and wholesale slaughter of
Christians with the support of the people.
On February 27, 1933, Hitler's stormtroopers burned the Reichstag building (equivalent
to our Capitol building). Historical German documents now confirm this. Hitler blamed the
communist. He used this as a pretext to immediately begin the persecution and imprisonment of
known and suspected communists. He told the people that if they made him Führer (Dictator), he
would protect them and create for them a utopia. The people believed him; he was made Führer
and as a result over 64 million people died
and Germany was destroyed.
The US has repeatedly used false pretexts to justify war. These have included
provocations, orchestrations, and non-existent events. We have looked at many of these in
previous chapters. A sampling of some these events include:
1.The sinking of the battleship Maine in February of 1898 in Havana harbor; 266 US sailors
were killed. The ship sunk as a result of an explosion, the cause of which is still unknown.
The US falsely blamed the Spanish as a pretext for the Spanish-American War with Cuba.
Many strongly believe today that the US blew up its own ship as justification for the war.
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