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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                399
Davidian compound from Texas Child Protective Services and the local Sheriff's office. These
officials had investigated child abuse allegations and they had determined that there was no
illegal activity taking place.
Attorney General Janet Reno herself determined that the child
abuse allegations were false before the assault. Yet she used the allegations as a justification for
an immediate assault.
The Automatic weapons that David Koresh was accused of having are legal in Texas.
The State of Texas only requires a $200 registration fee. The Branch Davidians were not accused
of having illegal weapons. They were only accused of not having paid the $200 fee per gun.
Yet this too was a trumped up charge. The Branch “Davidians had a lawful contract with a
licensed gun dealer to assemble automatic rifles from semi-automatic rifles.”
Video footage of the original assault on the Branch Davidian compound, on February 18,
1993, shows no evidence that the ATF was fired upon in the initial stages of the assault.
In the
initial assault by the ATF, four ATF agents were killed. One agent was accidentally shot by a
fellow agent while unloading from the transport. The other three agents killed were the same
men who entered through the upstairs window of the compound. Video footage of the assault
reveals that an ATF agent fired his machine gun through the window after the three men entered.
This ATF agent very likely killed the three within the Branch Davidian compound. Strangely, all
three were former Clinton bodyguards.
During the initial assault a member of the Branch Davidians was coming home from
work, his wife and family were inside the compound. He was shot in the back and killed trying to
get to his wife and children who were inside the compound.
Before the final tank assault, Koresh had agreed to surrender. Unfortunately, the FBI
reneged on it's agreement refusing to comply with the terms they had agreed to.
A documentary movie was made on the Branch Davidian assault called the Rules of
Engagement. “Edward Allard, Ph.D., one of the world's leading experts on infrared systems,
provides technical narration for footage taken by the FBI on April 19, 1993. The footage was
captured by a Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) camera system carried aloft by a surveillance
plane to document the tank assault”. “Dr. Allard says that several teams of infantry supporting
the tank assault on the Branch Davidian church directed automatic weapons fire into the
Film footage, autopsy reports and survivor testimony indicates that church
members were shot as they tried to escape.
Retired General Benton Partin was provided photographic evidence by the Chief
investigator of the Waco incident and asked to complete a forensic investigation. General Partin
has two engineering degrees and twenty-five years in weapons research and design with the
United States Air Force, he has been involved with the development of almost all non-nuclear
weapons in use by the Air Force. General Partin concluded that two demolition charges had been
set off inside the Branch Davidian compound.
An expert witness was hired to view all the photos and videotape of the service of the
search warrant by the ATF to determined who fired first. The expert determined that the ATF
had fired first but he never got a chance to testify. He was murdered three days before he was to
appear in court to testify.
The ATF has denied all wrongdoing in both the initial raid and the final tank assault.
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