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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                423
“conspiracy theorist'; a “know-it-all”; a “hoaxer”; and a “publicity seeker” who
wanted to “bother the FBI and waste its time”. Cutri told Riconosciuto that he
discounted his terrorist information because the info Riconosciuto had provided
about a prison staff member at Coleman, Florida FCI was “untrue”. He also
warned Riconosciuto that he was under investigation by the FBI for “threats”
made against that staff member at Coleman (this trumped up charge by prison
officials at Coleman and the FBI was designed to intimidate Riconosciuto and
sequester him in solitary confinement for 7 months. Riconosciuto was later
acquitted of the charge at a BOP hearing).
Based on his actions, I would regard Riconosciuto as a true patriot. The third person to
have had accurate intelligence information was Delmart Edward Joseph “Mike” Vreeland.
Vreeland was working as a US Naval Lieutenant assigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence
(ONI) when he uncovered information regarding the attacks on 9/11. In December of 2000 he
began to make attempts to warn the United States government. He says at this time he was
already the subject of a disinformation campaign from the Clinton administration. He says that
he had been taken out of service by the Clinton administration before he could make an effort to
expose the pending terrorists attacks.
On December 6, 2000, Vreeland found himself in a Canadian prison on charges of credit
card fraud.
He remained in prison till after 9/11. The charges have been all dropped since this
time. Vreeland claims that the US government tried to discredit him and frame him on criminal
credit card fraud charges.
Vreeland himself says that he has been arrested at least three times. He says, “Some of
this I did, like a DUI charge in New York. I had been at the UN, and I had definitely been
drinking.” But he also says, “I have never been legally convicted of any criminal, felony activity
anywhere.” The US government had tried to extradite Vreeland from Canada on charges of
credit card fraud in Michigan. Vreeland says he is being set up. He says the charges stem from
the use of his own credit cards. At the time he was afraid of being assassinated and sought
“permanent refugee status in Canada and the protection of the United Nations.”
Investigative Journalist Michael C.
Ruppert indicates that Vreeland is a typical intelligence
officer; he lived life somewhat on the edge. He says he does not believe everything Vreeland
says. Ruppert finds some of Vreeland's accounts regarding what he was involved in and what he
was doing for the ONI credible but some of his stories appear to be cover stories provided to him
by the ONI itself.
The US government has gone as far as to lie about Vreeland being a Naval officer. They
provided information to a Canadian court that he had only served a few months in the Navy and
that he was discharged in 1986 for poor performance. Yet the service record they provided to the
court on Vreeland was 1,200-pages long. How could some one with a few months service have a
1,200-page record? According to one of Vreeland’s attorneys, Rocco Galati, “Some of the entries
are obvious forgeries or alterations and the sanitizing of his records was done so hurriedly that
some dates of medical exams in the 1990s were left intact.”
Vreeland’s other attorney, Paul Slansky, pulled off a brilliant stunt in court to prove
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