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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                427
terrorism. In Chicago in 1998, he began tracking a terrorist cell. He suspected that the bombing
of US embassies that year had been financed by a wealthy Saudi living in Chicago. In January of
2001, he believed his case was growing stronger but in spite of this he was told the case was
being closed. As a result of what he observed, Wright wrote an FBI internal memo in June of
2001 “charging that the FBI, rather than trying to prevent a terrorist attack, 'was merely gathering
intelligence so they would know who to arrest when a terrorist attack occurred.'”
Greg Palast, an American reporter with the British Broadcasting Company (BBC),
discovered apparently why Wright was ordered off the Saudi investigation and reported on what
he found on his TV program in Britain. He received information from a top-level CIA operative
who spoke to the BBC on the condition of strictest anonymity. Palast states: “After Bush took
office, he [the CIA operative] said, 'there was a major policy shift' at the National Security
Agency. Investigators were ordered to 'back off' from any inquiries into Saudi Arabian financing
of terror networks, especially if they touched on Saudi royals and their retainers. That put the bin
Ladens, a family worth a reported $12 billion and a virtual arm of the Saudi royal household, off-
limits for investigation.”
Palast further received a 1996 FBI document, approximately 30-pages, marketed
“SECRET.” The document was designated “199I” which means it was related to “national
security matters.” It was used to squash investigations into members of the Bin Laden family,
residing in the US, more particularly Abdullah and Omar. FBI agents felt that these members of
the family merited investigation because of their ties to the World Assembly of Muslim Youth
(WAMY), which FBI files labeled as “a suspected terrorist organization.” The governments of
India and the Philippines had tied WAMY to murderous terrorist attacks on civilians prior to 9-
11. Following the BBC broadcast, the Dutch secret service also stated that WAMY, “support(ed)
violent activity.” The Wall Street Journal, in a article by Glenn Simpson, reported on a report
authored by the Bosnian government that linked Abdullah bin Laden to funding of Chechen
guerrillas. The guerrillas received funding from a charity on which Abdullah was a board
After 9/11 the restrictions on investigating the Bin ladens was lifted but by that time they
had left the country.
During the flight restrictions on private planes just two days after 9/11,
members of the Saudi Royal family were allowed a secret private flight to Kentucky. Later they
along members of the Bin Laden family quietly left the country.
The Wall Street Journal and New York Times reported that Mayo Shattuck III resigned on
September 14, 2001, from Deutsche Bank; he was an executive of the bank. No reason for the
resignation was given. The Deutsche Bank was one of the four banks most often used by the bin
Laden family. This led to speculation that Shattuck was involved in Deutsche Bank pre-9/11
purchases of put options on behalf of the Bin Ladens although there was no evidence that the Bin
Ladens were involved in the purchases. The put options covered the stocks of companies most
likely to fall as a result of 9/11. The options would increase in value as the stocks fell.
The US governments obstruction into the investigation of Saudi Arabians is enlightening
since at least 15 of the alleged hijackers are reported to have been from Saudi Arabia. If it is true,
these Saudi Arabians may have benefited from an illegal program called “U.S. Visa Express.”
This program, which violated State Department regulations, was introduced in Saudi Arabia just
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