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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                435
Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso in their paper entitled “Why Did the World Trade
Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation,” which was published in the JOM (the
official publication of The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society).
Nova later popularized
this theory in a documentary that appeared in their PBS series. They then dedicated web space to
the theory.
In 2005, Dr. David Ray Griffin wrote a paper entitled “The Destruction of the World
Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True.” Dr. Griffin is author of The New
Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About The Bush Administration and 9/11. In his paper, Dr.
Griffin contends that the official theory is basically a theory of a fire induced collapse which has
never occurred in the history of the world. He writes:
The report put out by FEMA said: “The structural damage sustained by
each tower from the impact, combined with the ensuing fires, resulted in the total
collapse of each building” (FEMA, 2002).... Defenders of the official theory, of
course, say that the collapses were caused not simply by the fire but the fire
combined with the damage caused by the airliners. The towers, however, were
designed to withstand the impact of airliners about the same size as Boeing
767s.... The official theory of the collapse, therefore, is essentially a fire theory, so
it cannot be emphasized too much that fire has never caused large steel-frame
buildings to collapse---never, whether before 9/11, or after 9/11, or anywhere in
the world on 9/11 except allegedly New York City---never.
As you shall see the official theory rests on one fallacy after another. The official theory
tries to convince the public that what is impossible to have occurred actually occurred and
further that it wasn't surprising at all. In order for their theory to fly, they must totally ignore
almost all the evidence because all the evidence contradicts their theory. To illustrate this point,
lets look at a statement Dr. Eagar made in an interview with Nova. The interview is posted on
Nova's website. In this interview Dr. Eagar essentially states that demolition experts are idiots
and that towers naturally fall straight down into their own footprint.
Before we look at this
quote, lets look at what demolition experts have told investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn
about bringing down towers with controlled demolitions. He writes:
Demolition experts say that towers are the most difficult buildings to bring
down in a controlled manner. A tower tends to fall like a tree, unless the direction
of its fall is controlled by directional charges.
The twin towers were ingeniously designed to be a single cohesive unit able to withstand
almost any natural or man made disaster. The towers were able to absorb the impact of the jets
and transfer bearing loads from damaged or severed columns to other parts of the structure. If
their was sufficient damage to collapse the towers, the towers would fall towards the damaged
area just like when a tree is cut down. The tree falls towards the undercut. For the tower to fall
straight down would require key supports to be cut on all sides of the building almost
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