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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                490
These are designed to cause fear in Americans, to cause Americans to surrender their rights and
to gain support for foreign wars which have already included Afghanistan and Iraq.
America has been funding and supporting terrorists since World War II. Al-Qaeda and
Osama bin Laden are largely a covert CIA operation. They were funded, trained and supplied arms by the
CIA. Many investigations into terrorists in America and funding sources for Al-Qaeda have been
obstructed by America's leaders. In 1962 the Joint Chiefs of Staff authored Operation Northwoods which
sanctioned the use of terrorism in America to justify A war with Cuba. Many of the terrorists attacks in
the US have similarities with Operation Northwoods.
American leaders since President Roosevelt have made plans for Marshall Law in America. They
have issued executive orders that give them the powers of a dictator during a national emergency. When
enacted these executive orders will give the president control of everyone and everything. This includes
all transportation, communication, food, water, production, labor etc.
Prison camps have been authorized and built; they are continuing to be built. Lists have been
made of who would first be arrested and placed in these camps during a national emergency. Many
researchers including retired military officers insist these camps are for resistors of the NWO.
Government and military documents profile Christians as potential terrorists. They also recognize
Christian (particularly those who read and the Bible, believe it to be literal and believe in the second
coming of Christ) to pose the strongest opposition to the NWO. Major Ralph Peters, deputy chief of staff
for the Pentagon wrote in his position paper entitled the Warrior Class: “The U.S. armed forces must be
prepared to fight against all those who oppose the New World Order and who are holding out for
The Constitution has been compromised and the court system corrupted making way for the
persecution of Christians. The Patriot Act compromises many constitutional rights and even allows
“enemy combatants” to be imprisoned indefinitely without a trial. The designation of “enemy combatant”
is a tool of the president. He can designate any individual or group he wishes as enemy combatants even
if they have no plans of taking up arms.
America already has the blood of over a billion aborted babies worldwide and she is largely
responsible for over 191 million who died at the hands of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and
Communist China because these powers all came about with American aid. America is also engaged in
covert population control around the world. The banning of DDT alone as a method of population control
is responsible for the death of an estimated 60 million men, women and children.
Whom am I, you or anyone else to argue with God. He says America (Babylon) will be
responsible for killing the “prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.”
(Revelation 18:24) Regardless of all the evidence presented that shows America is fulfilling
these words of prophesy, God is sovereign and what he declares he will surely bring to pass (see
Isaiah 48:3, 5).
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