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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                492
The word of God is very clear, Babylon (the United States of America) shall be
destroyed. This destruction shall come suddenly and in one day, even one hour, there shall be
“death, and mourning, and famine” and the US “shall be utterly burned with fire.” The swiftness
of the destruction of Babylon and the fact that it happens by fire strongly suggests a nuclear
Generally the word of God uses a city to represent a kingdom. The city that represents the
US is New York. It is not Washington DC because the President doesn't rules over the US. The
President serves the powerful men behind the scenes, the men of the Illuminati. The Illuminati
are largely made up of America's elite families who control large international conglomerates
representing manufacturing, banking, communications, construction and mining and oil
exploration. When Presidents don't bow to the will of the Illuminati they suffer the
consequences. Two examples are Kennedy and Nixon. Kennedy was assassinated and Nixon was
setup in the Watergate scandal.
In the above texts we can see that while the nation suffers destruction and death by fire,
there are survivors because there is morning and famine (vs. 8). But we also see that the “Great
city” of New York shall be utterly and completely destroyed and left uninhabitable. Lights shall
never shine in her again, musicians shall not be heard in her, and no one will be working (vs. 22-
23). The voice of the bridegroom and bride will also no longer be found in her. This probably has
a double meaning. The less obvious is that the voice of Jesus Christ (the bridegroom) and his
bride (the church) shall no longer be found in New York.
What will be discussed in the next two chapters is how or by whom America will be
destroyed and when will this occur.
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