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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                524
working on and advanced version of the J-10 to be known as the “Super-10.” It will have a
“more powerful engine, thrust-vector control, stronger airframe and passive phased-array radar,
according to Russian sources.”
The Russian made IL-78/MIDAS refueling aircraft gives China the ability to extend the
range of its fighters, bombers, and transport aircraft. China has also developed it own refueler
known as the B-6U. The IL-76 transport aircraft provides the ability for China to transport troops
equipment and supplies by air.
Surface-to-air defense is provided by Russian made S-300PMU-1 and S-300PMU-2
theater missile defense (TMD) system which provides defense against missile attacks. They have
the capability to engage: ballistic missiles,cruise missiles and aircraft.
China has also purchased the deadly Russian-made Shkval rocket torpedoes, sending
alarm bells ringing through the halls of the Pentagon. ‘The Shkval was designed to give Soviet
subs with less capable sonar the ability to kill US submarines before US wire-guided anti-sub
torpedoes could reach their target…. At the speed that it travels, the Shkval could literally punch
a hole in most US ships, with little need for and explosive warhead.’” The US has no
The Shkval should prove to be a true threat to the American Navy when it is installed in
China's new diesel-electric submarines. These submarines run on both diesel and electric. The
electric is for strategic missions. A sub can only operate on electric for two to three days, then it
must resurface to charge its solar batteries. Electric subs are the quietest subs in existence.
According to Lt. Cmdr. Bill Murray, a veteran submarine officer now serving as an associate
professor at the US Naval War College, “When they're on battery, they're incredibly difficult to
find ... which complicates the United States' or any opposing navy's ability to operate on the
During the next 15 years the US fleet of 59 subs is expected to drop to 40 as older subs
are decommissioned. But during this same time period, China is expected to ad an estimated 35
subs. Added to their existing fleet of 55 subs, they will have a distinct numerical advantage.
On October 19, 2000, reported that the Chinese military had planned to
build on its Navy at a rate that would allow it to control the waters of Japan, Okinawa, Taiwan,
the Philippines and Brunei by 2010 and as far as Australia by 2040.
In Table 19-5 below, China's troop strength, and major conventional Army, Air Force
and Navy weapons systems are listed.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization
In 1996 and 1997, heads of five states, China, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan and
Kyrgyzstan (Shanghai Five) signed an “Agreement on deepening military trust in border
regions” and “Agreement on reduction of military forces in border regions.” On June 15, 2001,
the Shanghai Five and Uzbekistan formed The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
During this meeting the SCO members also agreed upon and signed “the Shanghai convention on
fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism”
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