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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                540
some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his
kingdom.” (Matthew 16:28) Which is to say that some who are alive in the time we are now
living shall remain alive until Jesus returns.
While there seems to be many years between the above dates, they are very close in
prophetic time. There are only 31-years between 2017 and 2048. In prophetic time this is less
than an hour. If a day equals 1,000 years (2 Peter 3:8). A hour is equivalent to 41 years and 8-
months (1,000/24). That means there is less than one prophetic hour between today and 2048 and
all the above dates are within 1-hour of each other. God is amazing! He has made it clear that his
return is very near but he has also made it clear that he will not reveal that date at this time. We
are to keep watch and be prepared!
Many have wondered why Jesus has taken so long to fulfill His prophetic word about His
return. Didn't he say in Revelation 1:1 that all these things “must shortly come to pass”? It’s been
2000 years, is that quickly or shortly? The common answer, and one I have given, is that in
God’s timing a thousand years is as a day. This is true but the King James and other common
translation of this text are misleading. Adlai Loudy in his book God’s Eonian Purpose, points
out that the original Greek from which “shortly” is translated is referring to “speed.” Therefore, a
more accurate translation is “swiftly.” This is confirmed by examining the Enhanced Strong's
Lexicon. God was not revealing that these things would quickly come to pass, he was stating that
once they begin, they will occur swiftly.
The Concordant Literal New Testament version of
Revelation 1:1 makes this clear:
The Unveiling of Jesus Christ, which God gives to Him, to show to His
slaves what must occur swiftly...
(Emphasis added)
When the events in Revelation begin to take place such as the formation of the NWO,
everything else such as the mark-of-the-beast, the persecution of Christians the destruction of
America and the return of Christ will occur swiftly. The events of Revelation will begin to occur
in rapid succession and we will see the return of Christ in this generation.
God gave us this prophecy concerning “Babylon the great” and all the other prophesies
because he wants us to be prepared. Will we be prepared? Will you be prepared? He wants to
pour out his blessings on us because he loves us but when we rebel individually or as a nation he
withdraws his blessings and protection from us. Our God says “As many as I love, I rebuke and
chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent” (Revelation 3:19). God has provided this prophecy to
the inhabitants of Babylon in fulfillment of his word. “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but
he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). Why does God rebuke us and
why does he reveal what is coming to his prophets?
God does both because he loves us; I can’t overemphasize it enough, HE LOVES US!
God rebukes us out of love because he wants us to turn back to him and his son Jesus Christ. He
doesn’t want us to perish; he wants us to receive everlasting salvation through Jesus Christ and
spend eternity with him in the heavenly paradise. In heaven there is no hunger, no sickness, no
war, and no pain or suffering. There is no gossip, no false accusations, no lying, no coveting, no
fornication, no cheating, no theft, no murder, no false religion, and there is no sin of any kind.
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