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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                77
such as Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery often obtain objective results: the
destruction of malignant cells. But they usually fail to address the other health
needs of the patient to restore a quality of life. That is why we see so many
patients pass away even though there was initial response to the conventional
treatment. In fact, most cancer patients die from the devastating side effects of the
therapies, even when they effectively destroy or reduce tumor activity, and not the
While many cancer patients die from the side effects of chemotherapy, other drugs may
have less lethal consequences such as antidepressants. The worldwide sales of anti-depressant
drugs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) in 1996 exceeded $4.5 billion. These drugs
include Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil and others.
Between 1988 and 2000 Prozac, the most popular
antidepressant, was taken by 38 million people worldwide. In 1999 alone, American doctors
wrote 24,742,000 prescriptions for Prozac.
Yet the side effects of antidepressants can be quite
severe. Prozac is reported to have the following side effects:
insomnia in 28 percent of Prozac users
anxiety-nervousness in 28 percent
nausea in 26 percent
headaches in 21 percent
sexual dysfunction in 18 percent
sedation in 17 percent
low energy in 15 percent
drymouth in 12 percent
stomach pain in 10 percent
tremor in 9 percent
profuse sweating in 7 percent
Millions of people the world over suffer these side effects in the treatment of chemical
imbalances in the brain. Yet, according to Dr. Elliot S. Valenstein in his book Blaming The
Brain: The Truth About Drugs and Mental Health, there is no way to test or verify a chemical
imbalance in a person’s brain. He writes:
Today, physicians are routinely informing patients with mental disorders
that their condition is caused by a biochemical imbalance that can be corrected by
drugs in the same way that insulin treats diabetes….
It may surprise you to
learn that there is no convincing evidence that most mental patients have any
chemical imbalance. Yet many physicians tell their patients they are suffering
from a chemical imbalance, despite the reality that there are no tests available for
assessing the chemical status of a living person’s brain….
Prefrontal lobotomy,
insulin coma, and other treatments that are now totally rejected were claimed, in
their time, to be just as effective in treating mental illnesses as it is now claimed
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