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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                93
one epidemic of smallpox comprising nine hundred and some cases, in which 95
percent of the infected had been vaccinated, and most of them recently.... It is
now thirty years since I have been confining myself to the treatment of chronic
disease. I have run across so many histories of children who had never seen a sick
day until they were vaccinated, and who have never seen a well day since.
It is simply totally unreasonable to believe that WHO was successful in their smallpox
eradication campaign when nation after nation experienced deadly smallpox epidemic as a result
of similar smallpox vaccination campaigns. A member of the WHO's advisory panel on viruses,
Professor Ari Zuckerman, gave credibility to this conclusion when he stated, “Immunization
against smallpox is more hazardous than the disease itself.”
So, what happened to smallpox?
Dr. William Cambell Douglas answers this in his book Lethal Injections. He writes: “Smallpox is
still with us but, in order to cover up their failure to eliminate the disease, it has been renamed. It
is now called 'pustular eczema,' 'monkey pox,' and even chicken pox! As studies have shown,
most of these are caused by the vaccination itself.”
George Bernard Shaw can testify to the fact that this is not a new phenomenon, he
witnessed it nearly a century ago in London. He states: “During the last considerable epidemic at
the turn of the century, I was a member of the Health Committee of London Borough Council. I
learned how the credit of vaccination is kept up statistically by diagnosing all the re-vaccinated
cases of smallpox as pustular eczema, varioloid, or whatnot – [anything] except smallpox.”
Contaminated bifurcated vaccinating needles when reused, can transfer diseases just as
easily as syringes. According to Alan Chase, in his book Magic Shots, during WHO's smallpox
eradication campaign from 1966-1977, “forty million bifurcated vaccinating needles [were used]
to administer 24,000 million (2.4 billion) doses of smallpox vaccine.”
According to the above
statistics, the needles would have had to have been used on an average of 60 people each. More
than 20 diseases can to transfered through contaminated needles including hepatitis B and HIV.
Further, Mutation Research reported in 1980 that children who received more than one smallpox
vaccination had “chromosomal aberrations in their white blood cells.” The authors concluded
that the mutations were a result of the smallpox vaccine.
Continuing Vaccination Assault On The Third World
UNICEF has been supplying vaccinations to the world's children for over 50 years. The
campaign began in the late 1940s with the BCG vaccine for tuberculosis. In 2003 alone,
“UNICEF procured 2.5 billion doses of vaccine for nearly 100 developing countries.” Among
these were 1.9 billion doses of the oral polio vaccine and 350 million doses of hepatitis B and
Hib vaccines.
The polio vaccines are part of an effort to eradicate polio in the world which began in
1988. The World Health Assembly set the end of 2005 as a target date for successful completion.
Subsequently, the target has been moved ahead to 2008.
“To support these massive
immunization activities, UNICEF has delivered over 10 billion doses of oral polio vaccine
(OPV) to over two billion children over the last fifteen years.”
By 2003 Rotary International
and the CDC were involved in the campaign with the goal of vaccinating Nigeria.
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