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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 141
Heretic Kingdoms The Inquisition.
The above games all involve graphic killing and as a player you are doing the killing. In a
majority of the games occult power and magic are important weapons. In some of the games you
are actually playing the part of the bad guy. A study conducted by J.B. Funk and published in
Clinical Pediatrics showed that 32 percent of seventh and eighth graders prefer video games
containing fantasy violence.
Yet despite a preference for video games other than fantasy
violence among seventh and eighth graders, the National Coalition on Television Violence
reported that in 1988 eighty-two percent of video games had a violent theme.
The violence in video training mimics the conditioning that the military uses. In the U.S.
military there has always been one particularly troubling uncertainty. After all the training and
preparation will soldiers kill other humans when commanded? Surprisingly, a high percentage of
recruits and draftees wouldn't actually kill when the time came until a new form of training was
developed. In this new form of training the young soldiers would repeatedly kill in realistic
simulated battles. Through these exercises their minds were conditioned that they were killers.
The training proved to be phenomenally successful. Military experts have said that there is no
difference between their training and what children learn when they play violent video games.
They become conditioned to kill.
Two instances that seem to offer evidence that video games condition young people to
kill are the Columbine school shooting incident and the 1997 Kentucky school shootings
committed by Michael Carneal. The two young men who committed the Columbine killings
were said to have played numerous hours of violent video games.
Michael Carneal shot and
killed three of his classmates. Michael was also said to have been a video game fanatic. In court
Michael was said to have “clipped off nine shots in a 10-second period. Eight of those shots were
hits. Three were head and neck shots and were kills. That is way beyond the military standard for
expert marksmanship. This was a kid who had never fired a pistol in his life, but because of his
obsession with computer games he had turned himself into an expert marksman. ”
In the AllPsych Journal, Aimee Tompkins reports that video games even “promote
prostitution, theft, and violent behavior.” In Grand Theft Auto these behaviors are necessary to
advance in the game.
In Temple of the Master the goal is to get to the thrown-room. The
thrown-room just happens to be Satan's thrown room.
Fantasy Role Playing Games
Fantasy Role Playing Games (FRPGs) typically take place in imaginary worlds. Some
games rely extensively on your imagination, some use cards, some use boards and figurines and
some are video games. Common to these games is that the player becomes immersed in his
character; he must use imagination to think like his character and must become a strategist for his
character. Many FRPGs deal with mythology. Mythology deals with with false gods, demi-gods
and legendary heroes who are involved in supernatural events. Some of the mythological
creatures included in these games include:
Dwarf—a small legendary manlike being.
Elf—a small often mischievous fairy. a small lively creature; also mischievous or
malicious person.
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