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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 142
Gnome—an ageless and often deformed dwarf of folklore who lives in the earth and
usually guards treasure.
Half-elf, Halfling, Half-orc—There are no definitions in the dictionary for these three
creatures and I admit I do not know what they are. However from what I know of
mythology they are somewhat like the above. Perhaps Half elf, half human etc....
Some of the occupations that can be chosen in a popular FRPG called Dungeons and
Dragons includes:
Cleric—Wears armor, has weapons and can do spells and heal wounds.
Druid—Cleric of nature with powers over plants and animals. The druids of ancient
Ireland were some of the most wicked and feared people who ever walked the earth.
Ranger—Woodsman with magical abilities.
Illusionists—magic user.
Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) was the first big commercial fantasy role playing game
(FRPG). It doesn't use a board or cards. The most important item is the official players
handbook; there are different versions of these available. In the fantasy world of the game you
pick your character and his or her attributes. The game can last several hours, weeks, months or
years. “At least three people must play. One is the Dungeon Master, a controlling figure who
devises the dungeon map and directs the games flow. The other players are pitted against one
another. They role poly-sided dice to determine the various intelligence and dexterity ratings of
their alter-ego characters, which are given fictitious names.
The players gather around a fictitious or roughly sketched map and set off on an
imaginary odyssey through hazardous terrain created by the Dungeon master. En route, they
encounter obstacles, such as monsters and demons, which they thwart with violent tactics and
occult spells. No one wins. The object is to survive the adventure and participate in the next
game with an even more powerful character.”
To survive and make it to the end of the game participants must be clever, imaginative,
devious even wicked. Nothing must stand in your way. It is not uncommon at all for participants
to use trickery, assassination, murder, arson, torture, rape, robbery and the powers of the occult
including real spells, hexes, and curses.
A psychologist who is actually a proponent of D&D
said something similar; he wrote “There is hardly a game in which the players do not indulge in
murder, arson, torture, rape or highway robbery.” According to the Dungeon Master's Guide
Adolph Hitler is an example of someone from history who “exhibited D&D charisma”!
The fact that the game, in many cases, uses “authentic magical rituals” from witchcraft is
not by accident. Representatives from TSR, the Makers of D&D, consulted with a witch high
priest who was heavily involved in Satanism and who had trained 175 people in witchcraft. They
wanted to make sure that the “rituals” used in the game were authentic, the actual rituals used by
the witches themselves. William (Bill) Schnoebelen was that witch and he is now a Christian
who battle against the forces of darkness with the word of God.
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