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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 152
McNamara, Donald Regan, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Paul Volcker, and George
Among the many New Age organizations that were formed about the same time, Lucis
Trust is significant because it is an official NGO (Non-governmental Organization) recognized
by the United Nations. Later I’ll cover why this is so significant. Right now were going to focus
on what the New Age teaches and what they foresee for the world in contrast to what the
prophecies of God tell us.
New Age Teachings
“The essence of New Age Religions doctrine is that man is neither sinful nor evil, and
that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was meaningless and futile.”
The New Age Religion is an all-
inclusive religion that excludes Christians! This is very significant because Christians are
embracing New Age religious teachings. Christians are embracing a religious philosophy that
denies the teachings from God’s Holy word: they deny the laws of God; they deny that Jesus was
God; and instead they crown Lucifer as God. The New Age includes any religion that “denies
the existence of a personal God who loves His own.” At the same time the New Age “exalts
human potential and scientific progress.”
Texe Marrs further elaborates on the New Age’s rejection of a “personal God who loves
His own;” in Secretes Of The New Age, he writes that this is a rejection of all who believe in
Jesus Christ:
The New Age is a universal, open-arms religion that excludes from its
ranks only those who believe in Jesus Christ and a personal God. Buddhists,
Shintoists, Satanists, Secular Humanists, witches, witch doctors, and shamans—
all who reject Christianity are invited to become trusted members of the New Age
family. Worshippers of separate faiths and denominations are to be unified in a
common purpose: the glorification of man.”
Human Potential - Gods of the New Age
The above statement made by Texe Marrs is true. The New Age teaches that there are
many paths to heaven and all are equally true with the exception of salvation through Jesus
Christ. For New Agers, the thought that they would have to rely on another for salvation is
unacceptable. They believe in “human potential.” When you examine the human potential
teachings it becomes clear that they are talking about a human potential to become gods. They
are espousing the same lie that Satan made to Eve in the Garden of Eden. In Larson’s Book Of
Spiritual Warfare, Bob Larson writes the following concerning human potential:
At the Advent of the new millennium, seeking “transformational values”
of “human potential” has become the battle cry of assorted higher-consciousness
devotees. Through intuitional therapy, professional training courses, public
education, and personal experimentation, a constituency has developed that
believes mankind has a cosmic destiny. And through mystical examination and
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