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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 153
psychic development of one’s human potential, superior beings who have
undergone spiritual reconstruction will supposedly emerge as the new vanguard of
the human race.
In Seduction of Christianity, Dave Hunt, very adeptly describes the dilemma of human
potential versus the wisdom of God:
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise
wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7) The Bible says there is true wisdom and
it springs from the mind of God. The Humanist, New Agers, Communists, and
Masons say that wisdom springs solely from the mind of man, and that mans
mind teaches that he can become a god himself, having the ability to decide
for himself in all things. And proverbs 3:5 directs a man to “Trust in the Lord
with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
This basic idea of ancient sorcery has taken firm hold in our modern
world. It is the cornerstone of the human potential movement and the essential
ingredient in success/motivation/PMA (Positive Mental Attitude seminars). It has
become the major link between sorcery and Christianity. Though expressed in
slightly different phrases, it is the common language of all those who have
willingly or unwittingly, replaced faith in God with a self serving faith in some
mysterious force that can be used by our minds to get what we want. Norman
Vincent Peale is, of course, one of the most successful evangelists of the power of
the mind. He explains it like this: “…Your unconscious mind…[has a] power that
brings wishes into realities when the wishes are strong enough.”
This “human potential movement” is blasphemy; what they are teaching is that we
humans will be gods or that we are gods. In The Book of Co-Creation, Barbara Marx Hubbard
teaches on the book of Revelation but she twists the biblical texts into a manuscript that teaches
the lies of the devil. Barbara wrote her 2000 page work in 6-months, an accomplishment that
defies human ability. She did this while being guided by what she calls “The Presence.” This is
the same presence that guided Blavatsky and Bailey; it is the presence of a demon, a devil.
Following is a sample of her writing. Remember this is based on scripture, so certain parts
sounds Biblical but it has been twisted and made into a lie. The words in parenthesis are added
by me for clarification:
I Jesus am a Son of God, you humanity are also sons and daughters of
God. My message to you is: join me, be me [be gods]. Together we will worship
God by becoming one with him. You are no longer to worship me as a God you
are to become God like [we are to worship him as equals]. Together we will
worship the creator of the whole [Jesus is the creator so who is he speaking of?]
My mission was to demonstrate that humanity has the capacity to act like God
[Jesus didn’t come to save us, only to demonstrate our potential]. Your mission is
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