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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 258
changing our society, changing the world, to bring about a New World Order.
This will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom, without
Constitutional protection, without national boundaries or cultural distinction.
Sutton also believes, as well as others, that the members of Skull & Bones and possibly
members of even less known secret societies make up the inner core of the greater body of the
Council on Foreign Relation, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs etc.
Skull & Bones Initiation
“First, as part of this ritual of initiation, the new man is placed in a coffin, in a casket. He
is then carried into the central part of the Tomb, the Skull & Bones building. The other members
of the society, dressed in bizarre, occultic costume and wearing masks or hoods, stand solemnly
around the coffin, chanting, evidently, for familiar spirits to facilitate “rebirth” of the candidate.
The rebirth is said to transform the candidate from ordinary human status into a “superhuman”—
a god-like being.”
The initiation also requires the initiate to confide his most intimate secrets of his sex life
to the by standing members of Skull & Bones while lying completely nude in a coffin. All 15
candidates engage in a naked mud wrestling match.
Each member is sworn to secrecy. For the
rest of their life they are never permitted to even acknowledge membership in Skull & Bones and
if the subject of Skull & Bones comes up in their presence they are required to leave the room.
Masonry’s Link To Skull & Bones
The Skull and Bones Society has a direct relationship to Freemasonry. When a Mason
enters the 30° his ceremony involves him entering what is fashioned to be a black tomb wearing
a skull and crown; this is very similar to the Skull and Bones initiation.
As was revealed in the Chapter “America And The Occult,” Freemasonry is an occult
religion. Bill Schnoebelen became involved with the Freemasons because it was a prerequisite to
being involved Satanism. All the prominent occultist of the twentieth century including Satanists,
Ceremonial Witches, Theosophists and New Agers were high level Freemasons.
The most
revered Freemason of all times is Albert Pike, author of Morals and Dogma. Although written in
the 1800s Morals and Dogma is still on the Freemason’s recommended reading list. In Morals
and Dogma Pike reveals that Freemasonry is a worship and that the recipient of that worship is
Lucifer—Satan. A Mason who reaches the 33rd Degree must take communion out of a human
skull and swear to work for the destruction of law, religion and government during the initiation
Texe Marrs insightfully points out that the Skull & Bones Society “is, in fact nothing less
than a black lodge of Freemasonry.” When the Skull and Bones Society was formed by William
H. Russell in 1829, there was an national outcry against Masonry in America. This came about
as the result of Captain William Morgan, a Mason, who published the secrets of Freemasonry in
a book. For his moral stand, Captain Morgan was murdered by the Masons. In Dark Majesty,
Marrs writes that as a result of the outcry against Freemasonry, Russell sought to establish a
secret Masonic organization without a Masonic name:
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