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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 259
So when General Russell and his Masonic friends decided to found their
secret society at Yale, they avoided the Masonic name. However, the Skull &
Bones is, in fact, nothing less than a black lodge of Freemasonry and its rituals are
almost carbon copies of the highest level ceremonial rituals of Freemasonry.
When George Bush Sr. (Skull & Bones member) was sworn in as President, an ordinary
Bible wouldn’t do. He had a special Masonic Bible flown in to the White House from the
Masonic Lodge in New York City. This Bible differs from the King James version in that it has
an introduction that carefully “explains that Masonry is not a Christian society but, instead,
supports all religions and creeds.” This particular Masonic Bible was first used to swear in
George Washington as President.
This bible was also used to swear in Presidents: Warren G.
Harding, Dwight D, Eisenhower and Jimmy Carter. George W. Bush had planed on using the
Masonic Bible in 2001 but changed plans at the last minute due to weather that could have
damaged the bible.
Although the living number of Skull and Bones members at any time over the past 170
years has been very insignificant, the influence these members have exhibited over American
society has been very significant. Skull and Bones members have executed their power and
influence through their chosen professions where they work in concert to achieve the purposes
and goals of their secret society. Although Skull and Bones members typically wield much
power and influence in their chosen profession, they aren’t necessarily well known outside of
their profession. Some Skull and Bones members whose families are well known include: Taft,
Bush, Kerry, Pillsbury, Heinz, Kellogg, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Goodyear, Weyerhauser, Lord,
Whitney, Jay, Bundy, Harriman, Pinchot, Phelps, Sloane, Stimson, Perkins, and Lovett.
According to Sutton members of Skull and Bones have had a significant adverse
influence on:
Education – how the population of the future will behave,
Money – the means of holding wealth and exchanging goods,
Law – the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world law and a world court is
needed for a world state,
Politics – the direction of the state,
Economy – the creation of wealth,
History – what people believe happened in the past (concealment of the truth from the
Psychology – the means of controlling how people think,
Philanthropy – so that people think well of the controllers,
Medicine – the power over health, life and death,
Religion – people’s spiritual beliefs, the spur to action for many,
Media – what people know and learn about current events,
Continuity – the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps (the power to appoint
other traitors who will work towards the destruction of America as a sovereign nation).
Skull and Bones members have penetrated every segment of American society obtaining
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