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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 283
The Bilderbergs is a secret society that was founded in May of 1954. The name of the
group is derived from the location of its first meeting, which was the Bilderberg Hotel in
Oosterbeek, Holland. The Bilderbergs have similar goals to the CFR; it differs in that it is
international and involves even greater secrecy. The membership is comprised of approximately
100 of the most powerful people from NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) nations. The
first chairman was Prince Bernard of the Netherlands; he remained as chairman until 1974.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was behind the formation of the Bilderbergs.
They were involved in the planning, and financing of the group as was revealed by a former
member of the CIA. CIA Director General Walter Bedell Smith (1950-1953) was a member of
the Bilderbergs and known to have cooperated in the formation as revealed by Jacob Javits in
1964. Mr. Javits was a Bilderbergs meeting participant. On April 11, 1964, Mr. Javits asked that
a background paper entitled “The Bilderberg Meetings” be printed in the Congressional Record -
U.S. Senate. The background paper reveals CIA Director Smith’s cooperation in the formation of
the Bilderbergs. According to Robert Ross, very reliable information from a former member of
the CIA now reveals that the CIA helped organize and sponsor the formation of the Bilderbergs.
Ross further states that the CIA continues to sponsor the Bilderbergs today.
The Bilderbergs are closely aligned with the Trilateral Commission, many Bilderbergs
also belong to the TLC. In addition to the CIA, the organization is funded by other “one-world
institutions including the Rockefeller and Ford foundations.” The purpose of the Bilderbergs,
according to Gary Kah, is the regionalization of Europe,
including all communist nations,
a stepping-stone to a one-world government. In To Be God of One World, Robert Sessler writes
that the Bilderbergs are active in the regionalization of the other continents as well:
This group is also active in uniting other geographic areas together into
one unit—all the Atlantic nations, all the African nations, all the Asian nations,
etc. Hence when all these large geographic area nations are united together into a
single unit, then it will be much easier to unite all these geographical units
together into a One World Order.
The Bilderbergs intent on bringing forth a one-world government can be seen in a
statement made by Bilderberg Chairman Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Prince Bernard and
his family is majority owner of the Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company. Prince Bernhard wrote:
Here comes our greatest difficulty. For the governments of the free nations
are elected by the people, and if they do something the people don’t like they are
thrown out. It is difficult to reeducate the people who have been brought up on
nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supernational
body….This is a tragedy.
The Bilderbergs meeting are shrouded in secrecy. The Spotlight has tracked the
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