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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 284
Bilderbergs meetings and reported on their proceeding every year since their formation. They
have acquired information from an agent within the meetings. The Spotlight reports that Hotels
where the meetings are held are closed down 48 hours before the meeting. Only select “loyal
staff” are allowed to remain; the bulk of the staff are provided by the Bilderbergs. Everyone
wears a picture I.D. card identifying them as employees, staff or participants. “A computer chip
‘fingerprint’ will assure the identity of the card’s wearer. Both military and private forces are
used to guard the meetings. In 1999 hundreds of thousands of dollars were paid to the
“Portuguese government for deploying military forces to guard their privacy and for helicopters
to seek out intruders.” “Any intruders are to be manhandled-cuffed, jailed, or if resisting or
fleeing, shot.”
The Spotlight also revealed that in 1991 David Rockefeller thanked the press for
keeping the content of their meetings secret. They wrote:
Banking czar David Rockefeller, former head of New York’s Chase
Manhattan Bank and founder of the Trilateral Commission, gave the opening
address to his fellow Bilderbergs at Baden Baden. He started off by telling the
assembled elitists, “We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times,
Time magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our
meetings, and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years.
Rockefeller explained: “It would have been impossible for us to develop
our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity
during these years.”
As an example of the power and influence of the Bilderbergs, in 1971 the international
membership met to discuss the “change in the world-role of the United States.” Shortly after the
meeting, Henry Kissinger went to China to arrange their acceptance “as a member of the family
of “trading nations”; and “an international monetary crises developed”, which resulted in the
U.S. dollar being devalued.
On another occasion a young, almost unknown, Governor by the
name of Bill Clinton was invited to the Bilderbergs annual meeting and shortly after he
announced he was running for the presidency of the United States.
Phyllis Schlafly spoke of the power of the Bilderbergs in her book A Choice Not An
Echo. Describing one of there meetings, she stated the following regarding the Bilderbergs:
“Those who came (to the Bilderbergs meeting) were not heads of states, but those who give
orders to heads of states.…in other words, the kingmakers.”
Some notable American members in the Bilderbergs have been President William (Bill)
Clinton; President Gerald Ford; Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense; David Rockefeller
of Chase Bank and Standard Oil; Robert McNamara of the World Bank; George Ball of Lehman
Brothers; Thomas Hughes of the Carnegie Endowment; Winston Lord, former director of
planning and coordination for the State Department; Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State;
Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor; Cyrus Vance; Dean Rusk; Henry
Grunwald, Managing Editor of Time; Henry J. Heinz II, chairman of the board, H.J. Heinz
Company and many others.
The Bilderbergs organization, which includes many prominent Americans, has
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