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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 291
the United Nations in concert with these other organizations, plans, legislation and treaties have
been written which have brought the world to the threshold of the realization of an actual one-
world government.
With so many different organizations and members working towards the fulfillment of a
NWO, it is not surprising that some of them may have strategies, goals or beliefs that conflict
somewhat with those of other groups. This is to be expected in any large scale accomplishment.
It is also important to realize that many individuals are espousing beliefs that may be contrary to
what they truly believe because the elite uses the Hegelian Dialectic, which states that new
orders come out of conflict. They believe the NWO will arise out of the synthesis of the clash of
two extreme opposites. Therefore, some of those striving for a NWO are given roles to play.
That role may be liberal, conservative, communist, terrorist, revolutionary, etc. Not to say that
these ideologies don't naturally exist, only that the NWO elite places its own members within
organizations espousing these ideologies and others in order to manipulate the members of the
organization for their own purposes.
The evidence clearly shows that the Illuminati has decided not to base all it’s hope and
expectations on one plan or organization (i.e. the United Nations). At the end of WW I the
League of Nation failed to bring about a one-world government. At the end of WW II the United
Nations failed to bring about a one-world government. And so today various movements and
entities vying for the opportunity and the right to call itself a one-world government. While they
seem to be competing, for the most part that isn’t really so, the Illuminati cares not how a NWO
is accomplished.
Below we’ll briefly examine some of the major moves that have been made on behalf of
a NWO. The NWO conspiracy is a vast complicated web; you can liken it to the Internet. The
connections and inter-linkings are so vast they are impossible to totally uncover. In discussions
below of some of the plans that have been implemented on behalf of a NWO, one must
remember that these people are very intelligent; they are deceptive, and their agenda is hidden.
They are masters at deception. They must make their causes sound appealing while they conceal
their true motives and agenda. If their causes did not sound appealing, they would be hard
pressed to get them passed or approved by the masses.
Fortunately, our Congress has seen through many of their deceptions. Unfortunately,
many of the members of our Congress are among their members. During the Carter
administration 38 members of Congress were TLC or CFR members; Reagan (39); Bush (41);
and Clinton (41).
These men will use fraud and deception and even take votes late during the
night when most everyone has gone home in order to pass their NWO agenda.
One method the elite use to advance their NWO agenda is through the use of treaties. The
U.S. Constitution gives the federal government the power to make treaties but a treaty has no
power to change the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton stated: “Treaties…are not rules
prescribed by the sovereign to the subject, but agreements between sovereign and sovereign.” He
continued, “The only constitutional exception to the power of making treaties is, that it shall not
change the Constitution…”
Nevertheless, treaties are being used to circumvent the U.S.
Some of the treaties have a hidden agenda and could have a devastating affect on the U.S.
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