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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                 312
intercede on the basis of what they perceive to be the best interest of the child. Under Article 2 a
child is free to be a homosexual and or join the church of Satan and the parent cannot force the
child to listen to their views or attend church; that would be discriminating.
Article 13—“1. The child shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall
include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of
frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the
child's choice.”
Article 14—“1. States Parties shall respect the right of the child to freedom of thought,
conscience and religion.”
Article 15—“1. States Parties recognize the rights of the child to freedom of association
and to freedom of peaceful assembly.”
The child is free to express themselves by any means; that would include dress (i.e. Goth
clothing), music (i.e. gangster rap and/or satanic heavy metal), art (i.e. satanic art and/or
pornography), and reading (i.e. witchcraft instruction books and/or Satanic Bible). Under the
Convention children are free to choose their own religion and associate with whom they choose.
Elizebeth Clare Prophet runs a New Age organization called The Summit Lighthouse. In
her book My Soul Does Magnify the Lord, she expresses the same New Age philosophy that
comes out of the U.N. She writes:
There exists today the growing recognition that some children cannot
always be thought safe and in the best care by the fact that they are living with
their parents. It can no longer be accepted that parents have sole authority over
their children. The situation is so out of control that we, as a global society, must
take action towards the restoration of true liberty in the home as well as in society
at large.
According to James Hirsen in his book The Coming Collision: Global Law vs. U.S.
Liberties, the education of our children here in America and the remaining children of the world
“must include studies in globalism, feminism, radical environmentalism, and
Globalism means one-world government; radical environmentalism
includes the worship of nature and multiculturalism includes the acceptance that all religions are
equally correct. This typically excludes Christianity, which profess that Jesus is the only way to
eternal life.
Mary Pride is author of All The Way Home, The Child Abuse Industry, Unholy Sacrifices
of the New Age, and other books. She has done a lot of research on what’s being planed and
what’s going on in social service agencies. She wrote a letter of concern to Texe Marrs and he
published it in his book America Shattered: Unmasking the Plot to Destroy Our Families
Our Country. She writes:
When you realize, as I have found out through my research, that the (state
and local) Family Services/Health and Human Services departments all around
this country are loaded with New Agers, witchcraft-oriented feminists, and the
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