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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                141
included training of resistance fighters; one of these was Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden and others
were trained in terrorist techniques to use against the Russians. During the war two million
Afghans lost their lives; over 5 million more were forced to flee the country as refugees or
became internally displaced and faced hunger and starvation.
During the war the Taliban emerged as the strongest faction of the Mujahideen and was
able to assume power in Afghanistan largely due to US support. The Taliban were terribly
oppressive to the people of Afghanistan. Despite this, the Taliban received support from the US
government right up until September 11, 2001. At that time they had received $125 million in
humanitarian aid. Congressman Ron Paul comments on this:
Rest assured the money went straight to the Taliban, and not to the
impoverished, starving residents that make up most of the population. Do we
really expect a government as intolerant and anti-west as the Taliban to use our
foreign aid for humane purposes?… Have we made an ally of the Taliban
government?… NO. Afghanistan is in chaos, its people starving, and its
government is now an outright enemy of the United States. As we yet again find
ourselves at war with forces we once funded and supported, the wisdom of
foreign aid must be challenged. Peaceful relations and trade with every nation
should be our goals, and the first step in accomplishing both should be to stop
sending taxpayer dollars overseas.
During the US war in Afghanistan the people yet again faced starvation. In Iraq the US
has justified its unprovoked war against Iraq on the basis of weapons of Mass Destruction. When
those could not be found they justified the war on the basis that Sudam Hussein was an evil,
oppressive dictator who tortured and killed his opponents and used chemical weapons against his
own people.
This is true but what about the fact that Sudam was trained by the CIA and that the US
provided him the chemical weapons he used against his people.
According to Richard Sale of UPI, Sudam Hussein was a member of a CIA hit squad
trained to assassinate Iraqi Prime Minister General Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1959. The
assassination failed and Sudam fled to Egypt where he remained until Qasim was assassinated in
1963. During this time the CIA and the Egyptian government paid Sudam. After the
assassination of Qasim, Sudam presided over the mass killings of Iraqis who the US had
identified as communists. CIA officials regarded the assassination of Qasim and the slaughter of
the Iraqis who they believed to be communists “as a great victory.”
In 1980 Iraq, under the leadership of Sudam, went to war with Iran. The US backed Iraq
and provided military and intelligence assistance to Iraq. Between 1988 and 1991 the US
supplied Iraq with technology capable of supporting the production of military weapons,
chemical and biological weapons, missiles and possibly nuclear weapons. Sudam’s biological
weapons program was aided by biological cultures supplied by the US.
The financing of Sudam’s weapons program came in the form of $5 billion dollars in US
backed loans. The loans came form the Atlanta branch of the Bank of Lavoro (BNL)
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