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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                142
headquartered in Italy. The loans were guaranteed through by the US Agriculture Department’s
Commodity Credit Corporation. BNL falsified paperwork for the loans to cover-up the fact that
they were being used for military purposes. The Bush administration was also warned that the
loans were being used for military purposes.
One million people died in the Iran-Iraq war. As a result of the 1991 Gulf War and the
resultant trade sanctions, an estimated one million Iraqis lost their lives, the majority of them
children. Senator Ron Paul astutely writes that foreign aid money is not needed in countries that
pursue sound economic policies:
In developing countries that pursue sound economic policies, foreign aid
money is not needed - the international financial markets will provide the
investment capital necessary for economic growth. This capital will be invested
according to sound investment strategies - designed to make a profit - rather than
allocated according to the whims of government bureaucrats.
If Senator Paul is correct, and I believe he is, then US aid only serves to support unsound
economic policies, pork barrel projects and corrupt and oppressive governments. Frequently
communists, socialists and dictators run these governments. Frequently these governments do
not provide religious freedom and they are frequently persecutors of Christians.
Truly, American the Babylon has poured out the wine of the wrath of her fornication on
the nations of the third world, on the poor, the needy the hungry, on men, women and even
children. The United States was responsible for the creation of the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund. We provided 30% of the World Bank's original capital and an
American has traditionally run the World Bank. Until the 1960s, about half of all world aid was
funded by the US.
Therefore, for these reasons alone, the US is largely responsible to what has
and will happen to the countries because of the debt that has enslaved them.
US food aid was never intended to aid the poor or hungry, it was designed to benefit
American farmers and American corporate interests. The poor and the needy haven't benefited
from food aid; its been just the opposite, they've become poorer and hungrier. Further, the farm
industry in many third world nations has been decimated on account of food aid.
Development loans have had the effect of propping up oppressive dictators and
communist regimes. They've lined the pockets of the oppressive leaders of the world with cash
while saddling the poor of the world with huge mountains of debt. Much of the loans have gone
to failed and ill-conceived projects. Structured adjustment programs have taken the control of the
economies, natural resources, and national policy and placed them largely under the control of
the western governments and international bankers (i.e. The NWO).
John Perkins exposes that all the horrible results of foreign aid that we now see in the
third world has occurred exactly as it was originally conceived and planned. He was privy to
their plans and intentions because he was recruited to help bring about the destruction and
enslavement of the third world.
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