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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                145
US government funding for international population control has been channeled through
USAID and UN organizations such as the World Bank, the World Health Organization (WHO),
the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) and UNICEF. US funding of
population control programs through USAID alone have totaled in excess of $10.5 billion. While
the US has openly funded population control through family planning and abortion (which is the
killing of babies), they have also had covert programs which are intended to sterilize women of
the third world and astoundingly there are even programs that seek to reduce the population of
the world through biological and chemical weapons.
Abortion is not only an excellent example of population control, it is directly a result of
the population control movement which resulted from the Rockefeller eugenics movement of the
1920s. Americans were psychologically manipulated to accept abortion as a matter of a woman's
choice when the real goal was population control or more accurately genocide. Over 48 million
babies have been murdered by the most grotesque and inhumane methods since abortion became
legal in 1973. And its not true that babies are only killed in the womb, former abortion industry
employees say that babies are frequently born alive and then subsequently left to die or are killed
by the abortionist. The US murders more babies each year than the total number of Americans
killed in all the wars since the beginning of the Revolutionary War in Lexington in 1776 up to
the present Iraq war. The total number of soldiers killed in all wars has been approximately
but the number of babies murdered by abortion in the US averages 1,453,423 per
A complete description and history of the abortion industry is included in Volume 1;
included are quotes from God's word that prove God considers abortion murder.
Even with knowledge of what happens in the abortion industry, for many Americans it is
very hard to imagine that the US could be involved in genocide. But sadly, the truth is the US
government and military has been infiltrated by Satanists, many who cherish genocide. For
example, Colonel Michael Aquino is reported to have made daily reports to the Joint Chief's of
Staff and at the same time is well known as the leader of the satanic Temple of Set.
John (Jake)
Schuffert worked out of the Pentagon as a cartoonist for Airman Magazine. Jake's daughter Pam
says that he, “was recruited into the cult of the DC Satanist Elite.”
Former satanist, Doc
Marquis, says that he was part of a successful Illuminati plan to set up satanic covens on every
military base in the world and every satanic cult is now officially recognized as a legitimate
religion by the US. Military.
Doc further states that satanists consider abortion a viable human
Many members of our government profess to be Christian but that doesn't make it so.
President Bill Clinton called himself a Christian. In Jesus day it was the most respected members
of society, the Pharisees which Jesus identified as satanists. He called them hypocrites, vipers,
sons of murders, extortioners, children of hell and sons of the devil.
Today's hypocritical
government leaders and religious leaders are no different from the Pharisees. And American
satanist are no different than some of Satan's most notable servants and mega-murderers of the
last century, Vladimir Lenin (Russia), Joseph Stalin (Russia), Adolf Hitler (Germany), Mao Tse-
tung (China), Tojo Hideki (Japan), Pol Pot (Cambodia), and Josip Tito (Yugoslavia). Consider
the horrible killing that has been done in the name of Christianity during the Crusades and during
the Catholic Churche's Inquisition. Millions were killed in spite of the fact that Christ himself
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