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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                146
condemns murder. Imagine what the followers of Satan are capable of doing when you consider
that Satan encourages and rewards murder and is a murderer himself.
The evidence of US covert population control efforts is circumstantial. There are no
witnesses coming forward, no whistle-blowers; mass murders don't like to leave witnesses. I
would suspect that they learned many lessons from the WW II war crimes trials. The
circumstantial evidence we'll examine is so overwhelming that it can lead to only one
conclusion: the spreading of disease and death through vaccines, prescription drugs, chemicals,
and food additives such as aspartame are not by accident, they are the result of a carefully laid
covert plan. Some of the participants in this plan are known but most are unknown. Of those
participants whose identities are known, in most cases, it is not known whether they acted in
ignorance, or greed; under intimidation or coercion; or whether they were knowingly part of the
The Diabolical Beginnings of U.S. Population Control
The population control movement in the America has its beginnings with the Rockefeller
advanced eugenics movement of the 1920s. Eugenics calls for selective breeding to maintain or
enhance the desirable bloodlines of the human population; conversely, eugenics calls for
weeding out the undesirable bloodlines. Funding came not only from the Rockefellers but from
many of their secret society friends as well. One more notable of these was Prescott Bush, father
of President George H. W. Bush, grandfather to the current President Bush.
I don't think it is
coincidental that at the same time Rockefeller was funding the beginning of the eugenics
movement, he was also funding the “Flexner Report” which attacked God's natural healing
methods. As a result of the “fraudulent, allegedly 'scientific investigation'” behind the Flexner
Report, Rockefeller was able to establish and maintain control of the pharmaceutical industry,
cancer industry and blood bank industry. To this day the industry largely remains under family
In 1928 Rockefeller helped fund the the construction of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for
Anthropology, Eugenics, and Racial Heredity built in Germany. Thereafter he helped fund its
operating budget. Ernst Rudin was appointed Chief executive of the Institute. The 1930s gave
rise to Margret Sangler and her organization Planned Parenthood which had a very significant
impact on the acceptance of eugenics, population control and abortion in the US. The 1930s also
gave rise to Adolf Hitler who embraced eugenics and desired to use it to genetically-engineer the
master race. Hitler “took eugenics to its next step which is the elimination of those who he
judged to be unfit.” This included the murder of some 20 million Jews, Gypsies, Protestants and
Catholics. Hitler's “top racial hygienist” was none other than Ernst Rudin of the Rockefeller
funded Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.
Hitler was just getting started on his killing when the war ended. He had envisioned
world-wide murder through a diabolical plan outlined in a document called “Neuordunung” or
“New [World] Order.” Hitler's vision of a NWO was his Third Reich ruling the earth for a
thousand-years. Paul Manning, in his book Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile provides evidence
that the Nazi war chest funded the Merck company as a means of achieving Hitler's NWO.
Neuordunung was sent to the Ministry of Economics and it “declared that a new order for the
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