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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                152
made a great deal of the fact that the U.S. contribution to development programs
and health programs has steadily shrunk, whereas funding for population
programs has steadily increased.
NSSM 200 made recommendations for bio-medical research among other things.
Specifically, it was recommended that fertility and contraceptive bio-medical research be
increased from $40 million to $100 million over a three-year period.
While the study
emphasized the need for contraceptive methods, which where both safe and acceptable to
potential users it also stressed the importance of cost effectiveness.
This idea of cost effective population control is echoed by Gregory D. Foster who is a
Pentagon consultant and Associate Dean of the National Defense University. Mr. Foster wrote
the following:
[P]olicy makers and strategic planners in this country, have little choice in
the coming decades but to pay serious attention to population trends, their causes
and effects. Already the United States has embarked on an era of constrained
resources. It thus becomes more important than ever to do those things that will
provide more bang for every buck spent on national security….[Policy makers]
must employ all the instruments of statecraft at their disposal.
When one reviews what this nation has become involved with since the writing of NSSM
200, as will be shown below, it would be safe to conclude the idea of contraceptive methods
being safe and acceptable to potential users were abandoned for more cost effective approaches.
In fact the evidence seems to indicate our government has engaged in sinister, secret actions of
world population control.
Government officials have verified this. According to Ray Ravenhott, the director of
population control programs for USAID, USAID planned to help sterilize “one quarter of the
worlds women”. Thirty years have past since this plan was exposed and it has been achieved in
the third world.
Millions of women were sterilized without their knowledge by US tetanus
vaccines containing the hormone HCG.
For a moment I would like to digress to the discussion of a special Polish defector. The
reason for this will soon be apparent. Colonel (Polish equivalent of a General) Michael
Goloniewski of Polish Army Intelligence, defected to the US in 1961. Colonel Goloniewski was
an extremely valuable asset to the West. Prior to his defecting he had supplied the West with the
names of hundreds of Soviet spies who had positioned themselves within the governments of the
West. In case after case his information was proven accurate and his testimony was used to get
convictions for the Soviet spies he had exposed. His information provided to the US was proven
to be accurate as well. “…former FBI agent John Norpel testified before the Senate International
Security Committee that, to his knowledge, no information (the defector) gave our government
ever turned out to be wrong.”
Despite the fact that his intelligence information and his testimony had removed
countless spys from Western governments, the name of one man who he named as a Soviet spy
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