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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                153
was ignored and never investigated. This man happened to be the author of NSSM 200, Henry
Other Reports
A decade before NSSM 200 was drafted by Henry Kissinger, an unnamed government
agency is said to have commissioned a study of the problems that would be faced by the United
States if permanent peace were achieved and war no longer served to control the growth of the
world's population. The report is believed to have been produced by an unidentified group of
fifteen members under the direction of Herman Kahn out of the Hudson Institute between 1963
and 1966. After being completed in 1966, the report became public when, apparently, one of the
15 commission members leaked the report to writer Leonard Lewin who published it as The
Report From Iron Mountain.
The report is widely touted as a hoax and satire and even Lewin has admitted it was a
hoax but it appears the establishment got to Lewin. John Kenneth Galbraith who served in the
administrations of four presidents says the report is authentic. Galbraith is a Harvard Professor of
Economics who has published 48 books and over 1,000 articles. In 1961, President Kennedy
appointed him as Ambassador of India.
In 1968, the Associated Press reported from London that Galbraith admitted to being
involved in drafting the report; they wrote: “Prof. John Kenneth Galbraith admits he was 'a
member of the conspiracy' that produced the book 'Report From Iron Mountain,' the London
Times said today.” They further reported that Galbraith said “he was made privy to the plan at a
certain point but was not its main author.”
The report stresses the need to find new methods of population control in the absence of
war. It specifically states: “A substitute for war in its function as the uniquely human system of
population control” must be found. It discusses the positive and negative aspects of war as a
method of population control.
On the positive side, it advocates that war is now much more effective at killing civilians
in mass. The authors write: “Current trends in warfare - the increased strategic bombing of
civilians and the greater military importance now attached to the destruction of sources of supply
(as opposed to purely 'military' bases and personnel) - strongly suggest that a truly qualitative
improvement is in the making.” On negative side, war is not good for eugenics because it tends
to eliminate the young, strong and healthy rather than the old, weak and sick.
The report goes on to say that “the efficiency of modern methods of mass destruction....
offer, perhaps paradoxically, the first opportunity in the history of man to halt the regressive
genetic effects of natural selection by war.” I believe that the “modern methods of mass
destruction” which they refer to includes genetically engineered diseases which we will discuss
My belief that genetically engineered diseases will be used is supported by another
report, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Remember this is the Illuminati's plan to
bring about a NWO. The Protocols doesn't beat around the bush about their intentions. The
authors write: “we, the law-givers, shall execute judgment and sentence, we shall slay... We are
interested in... the diminution, the KILLING OUT OF THE GOYIM (the non-initiated or
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