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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                191
and production of biological weapons. They experimented on and tortured American prisoners in
the most barbaric experiments imaginable.
Gehlen and his spies were hired into the newly
created CIA in fact they largely were the CIA.
Gehlen and his spy network provided inaccurate information that now seems apparently
suited their own purposes and that of the CIA. They distorted Russia’s military strength, their
technological capabilities and their readiness. This provided the need to continue Gehlen’s spy
network and led to the CIA’s black projects and covert operations that have plagued the world.
According to the CIA's website, its budget and number of employees is classified. It
further states: “In 1997, the aggregate figure for all US government intelligence and intelligence-
related activities—of which the CIA is but one part--was made public for the first time. The
aggregate intelligence budget was $26.6 billion in fiscal year 1997 and $26.7 billion for fiscal
year 1998. The intelligence budgets for all other years remain classified.”
However, the
website of The Federation of American Scientists (FAS), says the CIA's has over 17,000
employees. This information was obtained from the report, “Preparing for the 21st
Century: An
Appraisal of US Intelligence.” The report was prepared by the Commission on the Roles and
Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community and was released on March 1, 1996.
Today according to a government website, the CIA “has all-source analytical capabilities
that cover the whole world outside US borders. It produces a range of studies that cover virtually
any topic of interest to national security policymakers. CIA also collects intelligence with human
sources and, on occasion, undertakes covert actions at the direction of the President. ”
collection of human intelligence is known as espionage and includes the stealing of state,
military and industrial secrets. Stolen Industrial secrets usually pertain to military technology.
Another important capability of the CIA includes counterintelligence, which consists of attempts
to identify, neutralize, and manipulate the intelligence activities of other countries. The CIA has
had vast influence the world over, its covert actions have included assassinations, the overthrow
of governments and the influencing of foreign elections.
The CIA's Good Guys
There are good guys in the intelligence community, John Loftus is an attorney who
represents many of them. Loftus is a former US Justice Department prosecutor. He has been
responsible for prosecuting Nazi war criminals. When he was working for the Attorney General,
he was assigned to do classified research on the Holocaust. In Suitland, Maryland, right outside
Washington, DC, the US Government buries its secrets in 20 underground vaults; each one is an
acre in size. He went there to do his research. What he discovered was that many of the Nazi war
criminals which he was responsible for prosecuting were on CIA payroll. Loftus says when he
exposed this, the State Department's response was to sweep “it all under the rug”; they “allowed
the Nazis to stay in America.” Loftus says “the CIA didn't know they were Nazis because the
British Intelligence Service had lied to them.” But in light of what the Stated Department's
response was and what I've read from other researchers, I believe there were people who knew
the truth.
Loftus went public and appeared on 60 Minutes in 1982. He says as a result, his family
got death threats. But also as a result of going public, he has had the privileged of representing
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