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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                192
500 former spies from the US, Canada, and Britain. Most of these retired spies want to go public
with classified information they feel the American people deserve to know about. Further, Loftus
says, every day I get 500 to 1,000 emails from honest men and women around the world from the
intelligence community.”
Terry Reed is one of the CIA's good guys. He was a contract agent for the CIA in the
1980s. His manufacturing machinery company located in Mexico was acting as a front for the
CIA. The CIA was using his business to ship arms to the Contras. To obtain arms, the CIA
purchased an arms manufacturer and shipped all the equipment to Arkansas and had a facility set
up to manufacture arms for the Contras. Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was to get 10 percent of
the net. Terry attended a meeting between the CIA and Clinton. The CIA was upset because
Clinton was taking 10 percent of the gross and had used funds to set up friends as subcontractors
to produce the weapons rather than use the facility that was set up by the CIA.
Terry says the
CIA told Clinton in the meeting that because he had cooperated with them he was no. 1 on the
list for the position he always wanted (President?).
Terry became suspicious of CIA activities when it was discovered by his Russian partner
that someone had used his export license to ship some containers to the US. He later made an
unexpected discovery at his airport warehouse in Mexico. On one occasion the CIA had
mistakenly shipped a container of Terry’s machinery to the Contras; so to make sure that the
mistake didn’t happen again he went to his airport hangar in Mexico to make sure the CIA
shipped their own container and not his. With a visiting friend by his side he cut the bands on the
container nearest to the hangar door to see if it was his. When he opened the door, the two of
them looked “in disbelief at a load of cocaine that measured at least 10 feet by 20 feet and five
(5) feet deep.”
As a result of his discovery, Terry and his family ended up fleeing for there lives, and
remained in hiding for many months. While they were in hiding, Terry was indited on federal
charges in order to discredit him. There were overwhelming odds against successfully defending
himself, “the conviction rate for federal indictees was more than 98 per cent,”
yet, he
prevailed. He recorded his story in his book, Compromised: Clinton, Bush And The CIA. In the
introduction to his book he writes:
THIS BOOK IS ABOUT REDEMPTION. But when I set out to redeem
my values and drew my line in the sand, I was not allowed to return to a normal
and productive life. Instead I became a disposable asset to the CIA. I had done
nothing wrong, yet I was indicted, simply because I knew too much and had to be
silenced. Neither the CIA, George Bush nor Bill Clinton could afford to leave me
most: my credibility.
For more than two-and-a-half years, the Reagan-Bush Justice Department
acquiesced in the plot to silence me and strip me of my credibility by framing me
and converting me into a felon. They failed…. I was tried in federal court and
found not guilty...
While going through his ordeal, Terry and his wife began to realize, there is “no Witness
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