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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                250
Persecution of Whistle Blowers
This is all treasonous activity! I never heard about most of this US help provided to the
Soviets until I began doing my research for this book, my guess is you haven’t either; how
come? Just as Lenin predicted, America became a country of “death mute blindmen.” Most who
where in a position to know what has happened have remained silent. Those who have exposed
the truth have been made to regret it; they became examples to all those who may consider
spilling the beans in the future. Sutton says:
Over the past several decades, quietly, without media attention, many
Americans in diverse fields of activity have been pressured into silence, and
failing silence, have been removed from their positions or excommunicated from
a chosen profession. These men range from historians in Department of State, top
level officials in Department of Commerce, engineers working for IBM, to
academics in America’s leading Universities.
This is just a summary of US assistance to the Soviets but I would also like to point out
that Sutton says much information remains classified and yet to be discovered. Documents are
normally classified for 25 years but at the time Sutton wrote National Suicide many of these
documents were up to fifty-six years old and still not available. Sutton speculates that these
documents may contain information on American citizens who participated in the Russian
Not only did we aid the Soviets from their inception but President Roosevelt made them
our Allies during WWII. President Roosevelt “knew that militantly atheistic Communism was
the archenemy of Christianity.” He knew that the Soviets had already starved or murdered
million of their own citizens and he was also well aware “that an Allied victory might well mean
Soviet control and persecution of the traditionally Christian countries of Central and Eastern
Europe.” We see below that as a Christian nation God has commanded us not to make
allegiances with evil nations. This can be seen in the instructions God gave to Israel and the
instructions Paul gave to all believers:
And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land (who were
wicked); ye shall throw down their altars: but ye have not obeyed my voice: why
have ye done this? (Judges 2:2) (Words in Parenthesis added for clarification.)
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship
hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with
darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14)
Roosevelt’s Admiration of Stalin
According to Joseph Sobran Roosevelt didn’t just Allie the US with Stalin, he actually
admired him:
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