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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                251
Contrary to liberal mythology, Roosevelt wasn't reluctantly forced into a
regrettable but necessary wartime alliance with the Soviets; he truly admired
them, and he preferred Stalin to Winston Churchill. He had extended diplomatic
recognition to the pariah state of the Soviet Union shortly after he became
president, just after the Soviets had imposed forced starvation on millions of
Ukrainians. He praised the Soviet constitution for protecting freedom of religion,
and his ambassador to Moscow, Joseph Davies, wrote a foolish book defending
the Soviet Union, show trials and all—a book Roosevelt recommended.”
Roosevelt’s perception of Stalin and the Soviet Union were perverted. Roosevelt “had a
fatuous admiration for Joseph Stalin, whom he described as “a Christian gentleman”—which
would have come as news to the Christians who froze and starved in the Gulag camps.
March 8, 1944 Roosevelt is quoted as saying:
I think the Russians are perfectly friendly. They aren’t trying to gobble up
the rest of Europe. These fears that have been expressed by a lot of people here
that the Russians are going to try and dominate Europe, I personally don’t think
there is anything to it.
American Ambassador William C. Bullitt recalls that Roosevelt told him before the Yalta
I have just a hunch that Stalin… doesn’t want anything but security for his
country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can, and ask nothing
in return, he won’t try to annex anything and will work for a world of democracy
and peace.
Roosevelt Gives Eastern Europe To The Soviets
During the Yalta conference, Roosevelt told an aid, “Of one thing I am certain, Stalin is
not an imperialist.”
Just as Roosevelt had revealed to Ambassador Bullitt, he gave Stalin
everything he wanted and essentially asked for nothing in return. The conference ended with
Poland “ceded to Stalin's tender mercies”. The US and the Allied forces defeated the Germans to
win the war in Europe and free the Nations of Europe from the evil Adolph Hitler. The final
result was, within three years, ten Christian nations comprising nearly 100 million people
became enslaved under Joseph Stalin behind what was to be known as the “Iron Curtain”.
only did Roosevelt hand over the Eastern European countries to Stalin at Yalta but also: Port
Arthur in the Yellow Sea, the Port of Dairen, the Kurile Islands, Outer Mongolia, and the lower
half of Sakhalin Island.
In response to discovering the terms of the Yalta agreement, American Ambassador
William C. Bullitt, responded: “No more unnecessary, disgraceful and potentially disgraceful
document has ever been signed by a president of the United States.”
In retrospect, Ambassador
Bullitt response was mild in accordance with the actual consequences of Roosevelt’s actions. In
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