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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                263
The Communists, both American and European, had good reason to hate
Jim Forrestal: he hated them. He emerged from the Second War dedicated to the
destruction of Communism.
He had opposed every concession to bring Russia into the war against
Japan. He fought General Marshall’s effort to force Chiang Kai-shek to coalesce
with the Chinese Communists. He battled those men in the state Department who
tried to give the Mediterranean to Russia.
[He]…was alarmed by what he took to be Roosevelt’s trust in Stalin….
Forrestal’s nightmare was that capitalism itself was under siege all over the world.
During the war his personal files fattened alarmingly—filled with the
names of journals and organizations and individuals who were “under Communist
On June 10, 1947, the Senate Committee on Appropriations sent a memorandum to
Secretary of State George C. Marshall. The memo discusses the serious problem of communist
infiltration in the US government. Excerpts from the memo read as follows:
On file in the Department is a copy of a preliminary report of the FBI on
Soviet espionage activities in the United States which involves a large number of
State Department employees, some in high official positions….
There is a deliberate, calculated program carried out, not only to protect
Communist personnel in high places, but to reduce security and intelligence
protection to a nullity.
Should this case break before the State Department acts, it will be a
national disgrace.
In 1949 President Truman, who was a 33-degree Mason, asked Forrestal to resign. Many
believe that Forrestal’s resignation was requested because of his strong position against
Communism. Forrestal resigned and went to Florida to relax. While there his personal diaries (all
3,000 pages) were being removed from the Pentagon and being locked away in the White House.
While in Florida he confided in a friend that he had been followed and his phone tapped. He also
confided that within a year, US servicemen would be dieing in Korea (this actually took 15
months to happen).
Truman sent Dr. George N. Raines, the chief of neuropsychiatry from the US Naval
Hospital at Bethesda, Maryland to see Forrestal in Florida. Dr. Reines, decided Forrestal should
accompany him to the Hospital in Bethesda. Forrestal complied but he would never leave the
Forrestal’s brother, Henry, and the family priest attempted to see Forrestal several times
but were refused. On May 22, 1949, Henry decided to remove his brother from the hospital and
called the hospital to tell them he was coming to pick him up. Before he arrived Forrestal died
from a fall from a sixteenth story window. His body was found with the cord of his bathrobe tied
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