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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                264
around his neck. Although no note was found, the hospital declared his death a suicide; the
coroner’s report concluded the same.
But the circumstance surrounding his death suggest
Before his death, Forrestal had alerted Congressman Joe McCarthy to the Communist
threat within the US government. In late November of 1949, Senator McCarthy received a visit
from three men who:
…showed the Senator a one-hundred page summary of Communist
subversion in the United States, including serious penetration of the State
Department. The report, which had been prepared under the direction of J. Edgar
Hoover [the head of the F.B.I.], had already been supplied to the White House,
the Secretary of State, and heads of other federal departments concerned.
It detailed the operations of spy networks operating in the U.S.
government and involving a large number of State Department employees, some
in very high positions.
Senator McCarthy read the report and was so shocked by what it revealed
that he committed himself to do something about it.
As Senator McCarthy began to act on the commitment he had made to expose
Communist infiltration in the US government he came under attack by the very people who
should have been standing at his side. This included fellow members of the Senate, President
Eisenhower, other members of the executive branch, members of the military and the American
Press. The Communist party became concerned; this should have been a good indication that
McCarthy was right. Rather than aid in the investigation of Communist infiltration in the US
government, the Congress chose to try and put a stop to McCarthy.
McCarthy had alleged that there were at least eighty-one security risks within the ranks of
the State Department. His persistent efforts had the following results:
Fifty-seven of the cases were later summoned by a Loyalty Board, and fifty-four of
the accused confirmed McCarthy’s charges by resigning under fire.
By November of 1954, all of the eighty-one persons on McCarthy’s list had left
government employment by dismissal or resignation.
The Senate Internal Security Subcommittee revealed on June 27, 1956 that the State
Department’s own security chief, Scott McLeod, drew up a list of 847 security risks
in the State Department.
Of very significant importance is that McCarthy had been proven correct in all his
allegations. A report written by the Senate International Security Subcommittee entitled
Interlocking Subversion in Government Departments was published July 30, 1953. The report
stated, in part:
The Soviet international organization has carried on a successful and
important penetration of the United States Government, and this penetration has
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