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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                328
men (1 Samuel 24). This shows how America will be judged for the actions of our leaders.
American Atrocities
America has been involved in many of the worst atrocities in earths history. Listed below
is a summary of some of America's worst atrocities:
Americans financed the Russia revolution and the US military aided in the revolution by
supplying arms and by securing the Siberian Railroad. They kept it out of the hands of
the Japanese until the Bolsheviks could take control. The Bolshevik revolution led to
famine in Russia so the US provided aid. An overwhelming amount of the aid, which
exceeded $55 million, went to the Bolsheviks; the anti-communist forces received only a
token amount of aid. The aid ratio was 168 to 1 in other words the Bolsheviks
(communist) were given 16,800% more aid. Americans established the RUSKOMBANK
and the US government facilitated American investment and technology transfers to the
Soviets. Prior to WW II the Russian Communist had “already murdered tens of millions
of Christians, beginning with priests”.
In spite of this, President Franklin Roosevelt
allied the United States with Joseph Stalin and Russia during World War II. The Soviets
are responsible for killing 66.5 million people. The Soviets also aided the communist in
America hindered the nationalist’s fight against the communists while the Soviets were
supplying the Chinese communists with arms. While the US has supplied repressive
regimes with arms almost the world over, they put an arms embargo on the Nationalist
Chinese. They also sold the Nationalist WW II surplus arms and failed to deliver them.
The US thereby aided the communist’s rise to power in China. The communist in China
are responsible for the death of 80.7 million people.
Americans financed the Nazi’s in Germany and the Fascists in Italy. The Germans and
Italians were responsible for the death of 43.9 million people.
The US is responsible for the creation of the AIDS virus and is responsible for unleashing
it upon the world either intentionally or unintentionally. An estimated 40 million people
are now infected with AIDS worldwide. No one knows how many people this plague will
eventually kill.
The U.S banned the use of DDT and led the fight to have it banned around the globe.
This has resulted in the death of approximately 60 million people from malaria.
The US Supreme Court legalized abortion in the US and our government has pushed for
legalization around the world. Approximately 48 million babies have been killed by
abortion in the US. Fifty-four countries around the globe have now legalized abortion and
an estimated 53 million abortions worldwide are performed each year. According to Dr.
Stanley Monteith, “To date it is estimated that far more than one billion human lives have
been terminated as a result of the world-wide abortion programs financed by the United
God has ordained a purpose for each of us before we are even born; Jeremiah
was ordained a prophet while he was still in his mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). What
purposes had God ordained for each of those one billion babies that have been murdered
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